Even though I haven’t finished up On Ringo Lake - the mystery quilt that Bonnie Hunter generously provided for us last year (although the pieces are all sewn and the quilt top is currently under assembly) - I am venturing into this year’s mystery, Good Fortune.
Here are my units for Clue #1. Lots of sweet four-patches. I switched from red to hot pink because I have so much more pink in my stash (read: granddaughters) and I’m trying to use scraps. Also, some of my red stash is earmarked for other things, so pink it is.
This year, I’m taking Bonnie’s suggestion and only doing a fraction of the specified number of units for each clue. I want to participate and sew some of each the units, but I’m not going to kill myself trying to get it all done and assembled during the Holidays. However, I am linking up to Bonnie’s Clue #1 linky party HERE. If you are interested, you can read about this year’s mystery quilt, Good Fortune, at her Quiltville blog. Click on the Good Fortune Mystery tab (here). She has all the information there.
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Right now I’ve got two other quilting projects that have high priority for the next couple weeks.

Here it is after I added the aqua round a couple weeks ago. I swore it wasn’t wonky, but just looking odd because the top was pinned to the design board and the bottom half was just hanging. But it really, really bugged me. Today I took it down from the design wall, laid it flat on my work tables, pressed it with Best Press and measured it.
Um, yeah, it’s wonky. An inch off from top to bottom. Surprise, surprise.
The aqua border has been removed. I measured around the hearts border and they were only a quarter inch off, so I figured out where to cinch that up. Now I’ll re-add the aqua strip after pressing and trimming it to the exact size before sewing it on. That’s what I get for just sewing it on willy-nilly to begin with.
Then I can add the final blocks, strips and corner medallions, which are all sewn and ready to go. I’ll have a picture of the entire top this weekend.
My second priority is quilting a large quilt for Cousin Kim. We basted it together last week. The quilt is a Hunter’s Star that will be a present for her son (I can say that because he doesn’t read my blog). I’ll show a picture of that, too, when it’s all quilted. I told her that it would be done between the 5th-10th of December, which should give her plenty time to bind it before the big day. As I’ll be
Finally, I’ll do a November recap post on Thursday or Friday to show all my December finishes, including the Christmas Tree Skirt that is now in the wild, under the tree! :-) Have a great week!!
I am so trying not to get sucked into the mystery...your pinks are lovely, and are calling to me! I guess wonky is just a way of life...all my quilts are fairly wonky, LOL!! Lovely quilt!
Enjoy your pink Good Fortune!
I'm going to make lots of four-patches. They're the same size as the four-patches I've been making for leaders/enders for years, so there's no downside to having any leftovers!
May your other projects go smoothly!
I like your switch to hot pink. Glad you were able to get All You Need is Love whipped back into square. Happy Stitching this week.
Your pink and white 4 patches are fun! I've never done a Bonnie mystery, but sure have fun watching other people get into it. I love your daughter's quilt - it's so perfect for someone you love! Glad you got it squared up!
Future Cathy will be so glad that Present Cathy found and fixed the aqua wonkiness! That's what I always tell myself when faced with having to rip something out. "Do it for Future Louise!" Silly, but it helps :)
I'm doing Good Fortune, too, but only 2/3 of the blocks. Bonnie's quilts are too big for me.
You have a nice batch of projects right now, and two of them will be finished quite soon. That's exciting!
All that Holiday Celebration and you still find time to stitch!! You must be very wicked, lol.
xx, Carol
I have finally made a decision on the colors for the mystery and I'm using the red and neutrals, so I can begin piecing soon - today. As for the other colors, one of them I don't have enough fabric for, although some people would disagree. I think I will also do a smaller size this year but I'm not sure what, maybe a throw. I used pink last year so that is not an option for me.
I'm skipping Bonnie's mystery this year (didn't do last year's either). En Provence is still a flimsy and I have too many other WIPs that need to get finished. But I'll follow along and see what the rest of you are doing. I follow Bonnie's technique of laying the border pieces across the middle of the quilt to determine length. That way both top and bottom and both sides are the same size. It's usually pretty easy to ease any small size difference and fix the errant side before you've sewn on the border. But you probably already knew that, didn't you? Good l luck getting your two deadline projects completed.
Hi Cathy! I love the fabrics you chose for Bonnie's new QAL. So pretty - it will be fun to see it come together. Ugg, borders. I sometimes have no issues at all . . . and then other times it's an inch off. Good for you for fixing it. It would have bugged me as well, but sometimes it's hard to tell hanging on the design wall (or hangers in my case). ~smile~ Roseanne
My daughter made pizzas for Thanksgiving, so alas no turkey sandwiches or stuffing, but we had a great time and that’s the only thing that counts. No BH for me after En Provence mess-up. Her style is way too busy for me. Go for the trial amount, girl, especially in pink.
I didn't finish all my units either but for different reasons. I discovered I reversed a lot of light fabrics. While I don't mind using the backsides sometimes, I want to have done it on purpose. For some reason Bonnie didn't include instructions on how to use a seam ripper.
Now that my sewing room is no longer a guest room, I can rearrange to sewing mode! I loved having my oldest here with us for Thanksgiving, but by yesterday when she returned home, I was ready for back to "normal". My youngest daughter and I spent seven and a half (!!!) hours on the road getting the oldest daughter to the airport! Today is a wash, I was exhausted and sore from sitting so much. I slept in and now I have taken all the meds I can to make the old bod feel better!
Now I can start Good Fortune. I think I, too, will do like Bonnie suggested and doing the fraction of pieces. I think I can manage that much better.
I'm looking forward to watching these quilts grow!
Love your hot pink 4-patches!
No Good Fortune for me! Hot pink sounds like a good substitute for red especially if that is what you have on hand. I am still using pink scraps leftover from sewing for granddaughters. Thank goodness they are out of the pink phase but I'm not sure I like their current black phase.
No Good Fortune but I took the opportunity to start a couple new things instead that I've had my eye on.
I don't add many borders -- I don't usually have big pieces of fabric to use plus I don't like all the measuring involved. I've been the willy-nilly route a couple of times!
I've seen a couple of last year's Bonnie Hunter quilts completed by members of our local guild - beautiful quilts, both of them. Will be fun to see the one for 2019 evolve.
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