But for now, let's continue with the eye candy from Mormon Trader Antiques in Salt Lake, where my friend Joan (and DH Les) really ROCK the Antique World! LOL.
I'm going to caption each photo BEFORE it appears, so you can read about what you're seeing. Some of my insights will be brilliant, such as the following: Jester Marionette. (see?) (truth is, I just ran around snapping pictures of interesting things. In this shop, most EVERYTHING is interesting, so I had to whittle it down to a reasonable number of pictures. And I don't know the stories or information to tell you on some of them)....

Table of vintage plates (and other goodies tucked in)

This is a corset, obviously. But look at the size and proportions compared to Joan's hands. Seem small to you? That's because it was a salesman's sample. The salesmen would carry several of these, in different styles, to the department store buyers. From the samples, the regular stock would be ordered.
