Do you like to decorate for fall? For me, fall/autumn is the best time of year. Weather-wise, we have mostly sunny days and cooler nights. And the smells! The musty scent of decaying leaves, woodsmoke from fireplaces, hot cider or a pumpkin spice latte, soups on the stove or bread in the oven..... YUM!! I did bake bread this week, but it hasn't been cool enough for us to build a fire yet, at least not in the fireplace. Perhaps we can sit out on the porch and light a fire in the chiminea.But for now, come on in and let me show you some of my decorations this fall......
Our wonderful vintage sideboard is always a great stage for seasonal decor. This year, I decided on a crocheted runner (rather than my embroidered fall one). The cornucopia has some of our Indian corn and silk flowers in it.
Last year, I bought this great leaf swag (it's plastic) from an import home decorating store (Tai Pan Trading - do they have those anywhere besides here?). It was 75% off of $4.94, so how could I resist? My original intention was to take it apart and use it for CQ (rather like those plastic flowers we buy from the Aussies), but for now, it looks nice on the sideboard.
I also got these great blocks for the mantel, then added the floral arrangement above it. In the mirror (the entire wall above the mantel is mirror) you can see the fall CQ wall hanging that I showed you last year here.
In January we got a new bookcase/hutch for the living room, so it was the first time I decorated it for fall. Above is part of the top shelf, and the next two photos show parts of the other two shelves.
I'll have to come up with something a bit more clever than fall leaves to fill up the "birds nest", but for now, this will have to do.
My love of glass extends beyond my paperweight collection. The glass orb on the right moves around a bit according to my whims, but the glass pumpkin gets displayed front and center every year so I can enjoy it. And I'm thinking that I need more of those white pumpkins. Wouldn't they look nice in my new neutral-colored bedroom?
My collection of fall pillows. You may remember my fall CQ pillow from last year.
This is the top of the vitrine (china cabinet) in the dining area of our kitchen. The vitrine matches the sideboard (see above). In fact, there were other pieces in this set. I have the SMALL sideboard. My ex-husband got the large one when we divorced, which fit great in our old "McMansion", but was truly unwieldy. (It did have a cool built-in silverware drawer, though). And we sold the dining room table with 8 chairs because neither of us had a place for it. Anyway, it's Dutch, circa 1860's....
There's nothing particularly fall-ish about the plant stand, above, but I just wanted to show it to you. It was a cast-off that got a new coat of paint and was re-purposed to fill a little corner - next to the vitrine - with color and life. And below is the silk arrangement (such as it is; I just throw things in a vase) on the kitchen table. Yes, and a cluttered end counter! (Books for DH were from my last thrift store foray). And speaking of thrift stores, that runner came from the thrift store this week (in its original package). It was too long for my table, and I didn't want to open up the table, so I cut off 40% of it and will make a fall totebag out of it!!
Well, that wraps it up for this year. Thanks so much for stopping by to visit! Let me show you to the door........