But today is Saturday, and my focus this morning is on red scraps. Angela’s weekly Scrappy Saturday post for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is featuring all sorts of red eye candy, so come on over!
This week I finished up my red Friendship Star Variation blocks - 16 of them this time.
Then I took most of my red scraps and crumbs and made it into a slab..... which was backed and quilted and turned into a 12x18” (or thereabouts) quilt for the Best Friends animal shelter.
I added that to the other six quilts (at their small, random sizes, they are more like placemats or quiltlets) that I made this week. The pinkish-maroon tiger one was supposed to be for Darla, but when I put it down in front of the fireplace for her, she laid everywhere except on the quilt. Alrighty, then! So it will go as a kennel quilt for another more appreciative feline.
And I finally got the picture of my grandson Easton in the Jedi costume I sewed for him the week before last. Here he is with R2D2. Yep, he’s a good looking kid. And he`s graduating this year and will study mechanical engineering at college.
Moving along..... I’ve had some red and white scraps that were sent to me about 10 years ago by a crazy quilting friend. They are really red and off-white, and there were three prints left of about a half yard each. Using some red hearts for borders and a few other scraps that I had in my stash, I whipped this baby quilt top out. It’s 38x42”
The checkerboard fabric was difficult, and I struggled to come up with anything that looked halfway decent. Next week I’ll quilt it and add it to the donation pile. Someone will appreciate it.
I’ve basted my Rainbow Dresdens, and after deliberating for days, will begin quilting it this weekend. My goal is to finish it before month-end.
And now for my RSC totals for Red March.
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3 Bookshelf Blocks (12” square each) |
In this collage we have one red crayon, one selvage/scrap column, 2 Geese Migration blocks, 24 Bowties, 13 Plus blocks, 26 Friendship Stars, and a slab (that went into the kitty quiltlet). I didn’t do strip blocks this month because I already have them in red. That totals (with the bookshelf blocks above) 62 red blocks and one quilt top. Not a bad sewing month.
Health-wise, it could have been better for DH. His forearm is still sewn to his abdomen and the checkup a couple days ago shows that is going well. They will be able to detach it in 2 weeks.
Have a good week!

Love those friendship stars, and it looks like you've used up a lot of red! Sorry about your husband's troubles and wishing him the best.
Wow, you really cleaned up on the reds this month! I especially love how your friendship stars from the last three months are playing so nicely together!
The Friendship Star variation blocks are truly wonderful...although a real friend would not show tantalizing fabric with tigers or a wonderful novelty of cats. In the future, please use less enticing fabric.
Still loving the bookcase blocks the best. I just love your red blocks/quilts. When I organized my stash last year I realized that most of my reds are in hearts and dogs. Anyway, I continue to hand stitch. Two more weeks of the boot, yuk.
Glad Bruce's recovery/treatment is progressing as the Doc wants it to.
Much love and continued prayers.
xx, Carol
Wow my I love all the red and white blocks you made during March specially the friendship stars I can see a wonderful quilt growing. Your grandson looks handsome as a jedi.
My goodness you have been a busy woman!
We worked on the garden plot, but the room mate rototilled it last week, when it was dryer and I basically just pulled rocks out.
Hope your husband continues to heal! I bet he can't wait for all this to be over with. Men have such a hard time sitting still, I know this can't be easy for him!
Sending good and positive thoughts!
WOW! You had a very beautiful red month. Awesome!!! Yes, grandson is a cutie. ;^)
I was just going to read one more blog before I go out to pull some weeds (Lol!) and it had to be yours! Take that, weeds! Your red sewing is gorgeous - I particularly love those friendship stars. Also love the photo of your grandson - we in our family are huge Star Wars fans! I've been thinking about making a BB8 mini one of these days. :)
So much fun to see all of your red blocks & projects for the month! And the Jedi costume is wonderful! Still sending healing vibes...
Wowzers! What a stack of red gorgeousness!
And your Jedi grandson looks pretty good, too!
Wishing speedy recovery to your husband!
Glad to hear that Bruce is doing well. You had a MAJOR success with your RED scraps, too!!
Wow! Lots and lots of gorgeous red blocks! Your friendship stars quilt is going to be a beauty too, love how the secondary pattern ties all those colors together.
You have accomplished tons this month!! Red is starting to grow on me. Never had very much in my stash, but I have added some (a lot) this month and had fun playing. I hope my son does not see the Jedi costume. I made him an Annakin costume when he was very small and he's always wanted a larger size!!
What a wonderful costume. Great progress with the red this month. I'm sure the sewing helps to take your mind off other worries. You have so many wonderful donation projects made up. Two weeks will go by quickly. I'm sure your husband looks forward to having two good arms to use again.
Those friendship stars look particularly striking in red. Another idea for my bucket list - which is getting out of hand!
Great costume, and best wishes to your hubby.
WOW !!! Seeing red here is a good thing!
I wonder why I now have The Twelve Days of Christmas lyrics in my head (after seeing your count-down of projects at the end of the post). As usual - wow. You have a most handsome grandson and I'm sure he turned lots of heads at the outing.
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