The alarm went off at 5:45 a.m. and by 5:55 a.m. I was out the door, driving Bruce's truck to my Curves workout (Curves is a women's gym). My car is in the shop for an alignment, a couple new tires, a brake flush and a few other things - nothing serious - that have added up to about $1300. After my 30-minute workout, I was home by 6:45 to kiss Bruce goodbye as he left for work (walking to the bus stop). I then hopped in the shower (I always say "hop" into the shower and Bruce always warns me not to hop, just to step in normally, LOL). Had breakfast, then ran out the door to work. Drove the truck all of one block to the Farm where I work because (1) I have to pick up the mail, which is a few blocks away, and (2) I'm the bookkeeper and have to take the deposits to the bank, a couple miles away. I've learned to only do deposits on M-W-F so that I can walk on Tuesday and Thursday.
At the Farm, I do the cash balancing (2 hours), guide a pre-school tour around the Farm, run to the bank, then go back and work on Summer Camp registrations for an hour. Home for lunch by 1:00. Start some laundry, read some email, collect the snail mail, feed the cat. Out the door at 2:00 for my dentist appointment. On the way home, get gas in truck and stop at bank to get $$$ to pay for car repair. Get home, have 45 minutes before DH gets home. Washer spin cycle did not work and the clothes are all drippy wet. Wring out the clothes, put them in the dryer, call the Maytag repairman and make an appointment for tomorrow. Take pictures for blog post.
DH gets home; we drive to dealership, pay for the repairs and I get my car back. Yeah! They even washed it. But it's rush hour, and we don't get home until past six. Dinner. Fold laundry that took an extra hour to dry (and that was after hanging some around the basement). Collapse in front of TV to watch Lie to Me and American Idol. And here I am; it's 9:15. I'm going to finish this blog post and then go upstairs and read for a half hour before bed (current read: new book by Alexander McCall Smith: Tea Time for the Traditionally Built. It's the new book in the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series).
Tomorrow, I have no workout, I can walk to work, and have no errands. I'll be home by 12:30 for a full afternoon of stitching, interrupted only by the visit of the poor not-so-lonely Maytag Repairman. But the weather is so nice, I may have to spend a couple hours out in the yard. It's been very rainy here, so I may Seize the Day and clean the flower beds and plant my gladiolas. We'll see.
So that's my mundane existence, made much more exciting this week by the Box of Goodies. Here are the rest of the pictures. I ended up paring down what I photographed, because there was a lot of satin ribbon, modern gathered lace and other stuff that is great to have, but not to blog about (you know what THAT looks like anyway, LOL).

Hi! I'm so glad you mentioned your current read. I love that series and didn't know there was a new one out! Thank you!
Hi Cathy, you are a very busy woman. I reconize this type of days at the time I was working outdoors ( when I was young ;)
The laces on those photos are also very !! nice and for cutting up! yeah! You lucky girl :-)
You made out like a bandit! What a treasure!
Hello Cathy, What a lovely stash of lace and such. I was just thinking about the lady who own all those treasures and is now passing them onto you. I reckon oneday we will all do the same thing too. VBG Hugs Judy
Hi cathy
What a wonderful gift. Especialy coming from someone you had never even met. You probably do not know where to start when looking at it all. When I am given or find old laces at the flea market my mind often wishes I knew who they belonged to and what they were used for.
You sound so busy in your newest post that I just said Whew. There are days like that and thank goodness days where you have some peace and quiet to stitch. I find I do most of my actual stitching in the evenings even though I am retired. It is very silly but I feel like I shouldn't be sitting in the daytime. I do sit and have a cup of tea and usually read for an hour or so in the afternoon. Too many years of running a house, working, raising children, that it is hard to slow down.
Hugs & enjoy this wonderful gift.
Ddddrrrrroooolllll! LOL! You must feel like you have won the lottery! Thanks for showing us your lovely treasures... the are beautiful!
oh boy, I bet everyone stops by here to take a peak...beautiful.
TorC, NM
OK. I am going to the retreat in Sept. I will be officially green with envy until then, is that correct? What a wonderful gift from an Angel........Love the catalog too. Aren't the little girls on the front darling? I am happy for you.
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