Saturday, November 4, 2023

Not Much Going On

For as much time as I spent at home this week, you’d think I’d have something exciting to show for it. But the time spent in my sewing studio was roughly equal to the time it took to do some laundry. I’d like to apologize to everyone who commented on my post last week. I don’t think I answered anyone, but please know I truly appreciate you dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I’ll do better this coming week. But for the last week, most of my time was spent in my chair, staying as medicated as possible (the hip thing). I did make a trip to the hospital to get all the pre-op tests and paperwork done. Exciting stuff, that. Not.

But I did do some sewing as I said, so I’ll share what little I did do!

A mere 15 string blocks at 6.5”


I sewed together my Chaser blocks into this top:

I love it so much! I hope to baste this quilt and one other in the coming week. Mostly I’ve been gathering things to sew upstairs after the surgery, which is still a couple weeks off. If I can baste several quilts, I can hopefully sit and quilt them in the couple weeks after surgery until I feel confident enough to tackle the rather steep stairs down to my basement studio. I’ve also been cutting out the components for a new large-ish quilt that will be a gift for a very special Weight Watchers friend. More on that in the near future, because there’s an interesting story behind it. Additionally, I’ll bring my Bag O’ Strings upstairs as well as some Zip(per) Block components - I have enough of those cut out for a quilt top too. So, Bruce has agreed to haul my weighty Bernina and my sewing chair upstairs for me. We’ll expand the kitchen table (ceramic surface with a built-in leaf that can be expanded or folded underneath) and I’ll be ready to go!

On Wednesday night, Bruce got a phone call from a number he didn’t recognize. Long story short, it turns out it was one of his best buddies from his Army days who was in the area with his wife Renee. Dennis and Bruce served in Viet Nam together and then finished their tours at the NSA in Maryland. He and Renee came over for a couple hours that night. Dennis is in touch with all their old Army buddies, and Renee is organizing a reunion of the guys next October in Oklahoma (where they have a barn that’s set up as an event locale). Bruce and Dennis were so happy to see each other and catch up!

Next week I’ll continue cutting out the new quilt, cutting and sewing binding for Christmas Stars (due home before my surgery), and webbing the final quilt top of Framed 4-Patch blocks from last year’s Rainbow Scrap Challenge. And all the aforementioned quilt basting. I’ve definitely got my work cut out for me, no pun intended!


  1. Not sure how you can claim you didn't get much done this week. It sure sounds like you were pretty productive. Good for you getting prepared for post-surgery activity. Your positve outlook, Bruce's support ( and Cousin Kim and others, I'm sure) will get you through this.
    The Chaser block quilt is a winner.

  2. I love the Chaser quilt top! The bright squares with black borders are wonderful. Glad you're able to plan ahead for things to do after surgery. How great for Bruce and Dennis to reconnect like that! I bet they have some good stories - Mike and his Navy buddies always do!

  3. That Chaser quilt is awesome! What a terrific way to use those squares.

  4. I know you usually do more than this in a week, but you did do a lot regardless. Love your chaser top. I bet the boys talked the hours away like little girls. So good to reconnect with old friends. Enjoy! ;^)

  5. Best of luck on your surgery and for a good and speedy recovery. Good for you getting all your "stuff" where you can get at it easily...I love that chaser quilt--such a pretty rainbow-style piece
    hugs Julierose

  6. I think you squeezed an awful lot into your week. All that forward planning to arrange the house so you will be able to sew post -surgery, plus the Chaser top and Strippy blocks and meeting up with old friends too! Sounds busy to me. Hope next week is equally productive for you and that you manage your pain levels.

  7. You say you havent been busy with your sewing, but you really have! Nice that Bruce caught up again with his Vietnam buddy. My brother Brian went over to Vietnam with the New Zealand Army way back when.

  8. I’m thinking good thoughts and sending them your way. I’m glad you were able to arrange for sewing in the after surgery time. It will be good to keep your hands busy! What fun for Bruce to connect with an old friend. I hope he is able to attend the reunion next fall. Love your multi colored string blocks! I spied the cupcake print! I have some of that too! 😀

  9. Love your strip blocks! Best wishes and prayers for your surgery.

  10. Hi Cathy! Great job on the strip block and especially the Chaser quilt. How nice that you were able to visit with Bruce's buddy and his wife. Good job on being proactive in lining up quilting projects for after surgery. That will serve you well, I believe. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. Pre-op prep takes a lot of time so you certainly shouldn't feel bad that you weren't doing your usual marathon sewing. I love the Chaser quilt too...scrappiness at its best!
    Nice that Bruce's friend was able to reconnect (good thing he answered the phone!)


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