Saturday, November 11, 2023

Two Finishes!

The weeks are just flying by, aren’t they? I have so many plates spinning that my head is spinning too. Not in an exorcist sort of way (head spinning around on my torso), not in a vertigo way either, but in a “dazed and confused” manner. But one plate took the off-ramp and is now Officially Done. And that is the Christmas Stars quilt. The quilt shop texted me on Thursday that it was ready, so we rushed right down to get it. I immediately set to trimming it, making the binding and finishing it. I even added a label for my son and daughter-in-law. 

It is almost too heavy for me to lift. I’m hoping that my friend Ruby (perhaps with the aid of our neighbor Jason) can hold it up on Sunday for glamour shots. Truly, an 88x98” quilt with lots of little pieces and a thick batting is heavy! I should weigh it. Anyway, this is just a peek for now. I hope to have some good photos next week. But it’s DONE, and the rest of the Christmas shopping (mostly gift cards) will be a breeze.

We visited our friend Terri up in Bountiful this week. We always love getting together with her! Here she is with one of her two kittens, Clancy. She was showing me this quilt top she recently finished (I love those colors!) and Clancy kept jumping up and attacking the quilt (or was it her hands?). Naturally, he stopped as soon as I whipped out my phone to capture it. Silly kitty!

Our Bradford Pear (ornamental) tree is sporting its fiery autumn colors this week. I’m going to miss this tree when we sell the house…

Back to sewing, here is the second finish this week. It’s the second (of three) quilts from my RSC2022 framed 4-patch blocks. 

Quilted with a simple stipple, it finished at 48x54”. The backing used up some large scraps too!

I didn’t do any string block sewing this week. I’m actually saving them for when I’m less mobile and have to stay upstairs for a period after my hip replacement surgery on Thursday. I’ll also have Zip(per) blocks to sew and maybe some more things. I need to make sure I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied and out of trouble, you know!

One thing I’d like to do before the surgery is finish getting this top together. It was one of my RSC blocks for this year. I called it Four in Nine, but Cathy L tells me its official name is the Thrify Block.

I’m adding the sashing and cornerstones to each block, which you can see on two blocks in the upper left corner. These are the blocks with navy blue as the dark constant. The blocks I made with the gray constant will likely be assembled in December. 

That’s all I have for you this week, folks. I’ll be back next Saturday with a surgery report and some quilt progress as well, come hell or high water. And since there’s no rain in the forecast, that leaves only hell. But I’m more than ready. Meals prepped and frozen - check! Thanksgiving groceries bought- check (except the mushrooms, which Bruce can do). House cleaned (housekeeper comes on Tuesday) and potential tripping hazards removed - check! Sewing area upstairs ready - almost. It’s all packed and just needs to be hauled up on Wednesday. So… bring it on!

Linking up to Scrappy Saturday at Angela’s So Scrappy blog. 


  1. I'm rooting for you--successful surgery and back to the sewing room! There's still a lot of autumn color on the trees here, too, and glorious on this sunny (but cool) day. Now I remember why your Christmas star quilt looks familiar. I coordinated a similar one (not Christmas themed, though) for the ALA Biblioquilters.....I'll need to look that up.

  2. Adorable framed 4 patch quilt! And I love your Thrifty blocks. Good luck with the surgery, I hope your recovery is smooth and quick.

  3. I know Bradfords are invasive, but they are so pretty this time of year, especially when they line a driveway or highway. Best wishes for your surgery. Sounds like you are well prepared.

  4. My goodness you have had a busy week getting ready for Thursday’s operation. My best wishes that it is successful and you can enjoy being pain-free. The Christmas Stars quilt looks brilliant. What a beautiful gift! Other sewing looks great too. I hope you have prepared enough projects to keep you occupied during your recovery period. And Thanksgiving round the corner too. Are you having visitors? Lots of luck winging your way!

  5. I love your RSC quilts, so simple and yet intricate and lovely.
    All my vibes to you on thursday, I wish you a stress free easy surgery and recovery.

  6. Congratulations on your finish. It looks lovely and festive. Love the way you are preparing for your hip surgery by selecting projects to tackle during recovery.

  7. The Christmas quilt looks beautiful, and how great to have it all finished even before your surgery! Sounds like you're all set for Thursday, too. We'll all be thinking about you, and looking forward to your update!

  8. Congrats on this gorgeous red finish! It's awesome! Sending prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. You seem to be ready and in good spirits. Rock on, girl! ;^)

  9. The Christmas quilt is wonderful! And boy do I know about too many plates spinning! I put my head down and powered through one task yesterday, but there are many more to go before this holiday season is over. I hope the surgery goes well, but you are well prepared and have such a good attitude, I'm sure it will all be fine.

  10. Such happy finishes! Since I am the family nurse...I have been 5 hip surgeries thru the years and the last surgery was amazing. The techniques have really come so far with wonderful recovery times. Keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you well.

  11. Very best wishes for your surgery on Thursday. Bet you will be back home again before you know it. My hubby was in for 3 days for his knee replacement so guess your timing will be similar.

  12. You are always so cheerful! I don't know that I would be this close to a surgery. All kinds of good vibes headed your way. I'm sure you'll do great and be bench pressing that beautiful red quilt in no time!

  13. You are so well-prepared, I'm sure you'll come through the surgery with flying colors. But that's the only kind of flying you are allowed to do. Good luck to you. I'll be sending good vibes, like so many others.

  14. 88 by 98 is very ambitious! Of course it is heavy. But what a huge accomplishment! Kudos to you. Four in Nine seems like a logical name, but then Cathy L. is the queen of all things scrappy and crumby. Sending best wishes for your surgery and hoping for a speedy and smooth recovery. Lots of love and big squishy hugs.

  15. I too am sending wishes for a successful surgery and smooth recovery. You will be in my thoughts on Thursday. Wow, you have really gotten a lot done and ready. We packed up my sewing room Wednesday and Thursday tore up the carpet. The weekend will bring the flooring guy. I’m so looking forward to that! Take care of yourself Cathy “

  16. Thanks for contributing such a well-articulated and informative piece!

  17. I think, by now, you've had the surgery and I'm hopeful that healing is well underway. Be a good girl and don't try to do too much!


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