Saturday, November 18, 2023

If I Could Just Stay Awake…

My hip replacement surgery went really well. The doctors and nurses were super attentive. All in all, it was a great day, and the hip no longer bothers me. The incision is healing, and I’m up and around doing stairs - just the few up to the bedroom level, but not the full narrow flight down to try basement studio. I even managed to sew a couple Christmas blocks yesterday. 

I’ve got to make this short and sweet, because the pain meds make me sooooo sleepy. I think I’ll be cutting them back a bit today! 

As promised, here are some glamour shots of the Christmas Stars quilt. DIL Kim and son Ryan came over for dinner on Tuesday evening and picked it up. 

They were totally tickled! 

While Cousin Kim, Ruby and I were out taking pix of my quilt, we added Kim’s House Quilt too. It’s a pattern called Jenny Lane from Missouri Star Quilt Co. 


I managed to get a few columns sewn together on my Thrifty Block quilt top. This was on Wednesday before we hauled up all my sewing stuff to the kitchen.

The rest will have to wait until I’m back downstairs in the studio. But I am sewing some little 16-patch blocks into a table runner!

Finally, when we got home from the hospital on Thursday, the kitties had rearranged some of their foam pieces into this PI sign! Since my birthday is on Pi Day (March 14, or 3.14), we figuring they were sending a message out to me, LOL. 

That’s about it for now. I’m hoping to be able to stay awake and have more to share next week! Talk to you then! Linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 


  1. Hip-hip-hooray for your successful surgery, Cathy. All the quilts are delicious. The Thrifty blocks pack a visual punch! Your cats are so clever.

  2. glad to hear you are feeling ok and the hip replacement went smoothly

  3. I'm thrilled everything went well and there were no surprises or hiccups. I know you're anxious to get right back to quilting, but it won't hurt to take it easy for a few more days. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope someone is providing you with dinner that day.

  4. So glad your surgery went well and you're feeling good, Cathy! That you're already doing a few stairs and sewing is wonderful news. The Christmas Stars quilt is beautiful on the bed - I bet they love it! Love your 16 Across blocks, and I think the kitties were thinking of you on Thursday, too. Take care!

  5. Happy news that your surgery went well and you are healing....take it easy and don't overdo now (bossy mama speaks hahaha). That stars quilt is just so special--just lovely..
    Sleep the time away while you heal up--hugs, Julierose

  6. I'm so pleased your surgery went well. There will still be a lot of healing, and no doubt exercises to do, so please take care.

  7. So pleased to hear your operation went so well. Your recovery is really moving along. The Christmas Quilt is gorgeous. You must have been delighted with Kim and Ryan’s reaction.

  8. The Christmas Stars on the bed is fabulous! I’m so glad to hear all your good news regarding your hip surgery! A stitching friend is in week 3 of her recovery and doing quite well. Doing physical therapy and all. Cute Sixteen Across blocks! Please take care and rest when you can.

  9. So glad your hip replacement went well, and that you are regaining strength, and sewing time. I have been doing PT each week this time around, and think it has made a LOT of difference in my recovery. BTW - that Christmas quilt is awesome!!!

  10. Take it easy, Crazy Cathy. All the fabrics, notions and the blogland will be right here for you. Wishing you a rapid recovery and a terrific Thanksgiving.

  11. Hi Cathy! I'm so glad to hear the surgery is behind you and that it was successful. Just be kind to yourself and take it easy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Take it easy, Cathy! Apparently, you're not letting any old surgery get in the way of your sewing. Go, you (and congrats on the lovely quilt finishes to you and Cousin Kim!!)

  13. Lovely, lovely quilts! Such good news about your recovery progress too. Be kind to yourself as you progress. And your studio will be there waiting for you.

  14. How are you doing? It's winter here, so not doing much. I have been thinking of you and your health and wish you well.


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