Saturday, September 16, 2023

Little Stars

The stars I’m making now for the Christmas Stars quilt are 4.5”, and finish at 4” in the quilt. I need 89 of this size, which I consider an obscene amount. Fun fact: it is no easier or faster to cut, sew and trim 4.5” stars than it is to sew 8.5” or 12.5” stars. I may be hovering on the brink of insanity before these are all done, but then I’m getting ahead of myself because I only have 19 out of 89 finished. There are seventy, 7-0, left to go. My friend Ruby is cracking the whip and says I need to have 25 done per week. Oh well, Roobs, it didn’t happen.

They look just the same as all the other stars; boring, I know. Maybe next week I can include some of the other sizes for scale. 

To break the monotony and fiddliness of sewing tiny stars, I pieced string blocks in aqua and teal, the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for September. Yeah, that’s me - replacing one monotonous sewing task with another monotonous sewing task. The difference is that I really LOVE sewing string blocks. Call me crazy. You’d be right.....

My scraps yielded 46 string blocks at 6.5”. When I added in the 5 that I had left over from last year, they totaled 51. It was not enough to make a quilt (at least, of the size I wanted), so I added in this last bit of rainbow batik I had that was left over from the backing of my bright Jelly Roll Race quilt finished in April (see this post). 

The blocks are pinned up there haphazardly, mostly because they haven’t had their papers removed yet. I’ll be doing that in the evenings as time allows. I hope to get it sewn into a top by next week. And other than that, there will probably be nothing else in my immediate sewing future except for sewing some more d%#@ little stars. At least the music in my studio is good, LOL!!

This afternoon we’re heading up to Bruce’s daughter Stacy’s house in Syracuse (Utah, not NY), where she and her fiancé will be tying the knot. It’s marriage #2 for both of them, and we’re very excited. Bruce will be walking Stacy down the aisle!


  1. Gosh, 89 small stars is a tall order! Love the aqua string blocks, that rainbow batik really makes them pop. Have a great time at the wedding.

  2. I don't think your stars are boring, no matter how often you post a new batch that looks exactly the same as the previous. I love looking at fabric and I love that cardinal in the third row. You have a love of aqua fabrics. I would never be able to do that many string blocks. They look so good with the rainbow fabric. Great call. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. You obviously have a huge scrap bag to get 46 aqua string blocks out if it! Have fun at the wedding.

  4. Oooh, a wedding, how exciting! Love all those aqua string blocks and the bright batik really stands out. Have a wonderful trip!

  5. I actually love making those string blocks, too--i have cut some smaller squares this time and will be deciding on color(s). I don't even mind taking the papers off--i think I am a card-arrying member of your "nutty club"! :)))
    I really like those stars--they are anything but boring--so pretty, Cathy
    Have a great week hugs, Julierose

  6. Wow! You have an amazing collection of teal strings and they made gorgeous string blocks. I'm with you -- "boring" string blocks are FUN! Have a great time at the wedding! What a happy occasion.

  7. I think sometimes we really need some easy mindless sewing like strings blocks. I know I need that once in awhile as a break from more complicated projects. The aqua string blocks are sure pretty.

  8. You are right on. I made a quilt with three sizes of churn dashes and the small ones were so tedious. The bright splash in the pool of aqua is wonderful!

  9. Hi Cathy! I agree - 89 is an obscene number. Ruby sounds like a caring and dedicated friend, even if she was cracking the whip. Clearly, there is an assumed deadline that Ruby is trying to help you meet. Keep it up, Ruby!! Roobs has to stay strong for the cause - someone has to do it. Your stars do not look boring at all unlike the aqua strings. Crazy? Well, no I would not call you that. I don't use derogatory names but sometimes when the shoe fits one must wear it. HAHA! I hope the wedding was lovely. I wish the newlyweds all the best. I'm so glad you found me and that I can catch up! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


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