This was a fun sewing week, because after finishing all my pink goals for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) and Quilts for Kids (QFK), I got to sew on things for me. But first, let me recap my scrappy pink sewing for January. I’m linking up to the weekly Scrappy Saturday link party.
My square in a square blocks ended up totaling 32 - sixteen pink diamonds framed in black and 16 pink diamonds framed in white. Then there were a mess of string blocks - and all of them went into one of the QFK pink quilts I sewed. They supplemented the 14 or so that I had left over from last year. My favorite blocks are the 12.5” (unfinished size) spring stars, and then to round it out there were 12 small 5.5” waffle blocks that were sewn into three 10.5” square blocks.
Here are the six pink quilts I sewed from scraps and donated cuts of fabric. The quilts are all finished and labeled for delivery to our local Salt Lake City QFK chapter.
The information about each quilt can be found in my 2021 Quilts tab above under the blog header.
So, what did I do this week, then? First, I finished my table runner for the Table Scraps Challenge. We get “bonus points” (hehe) for including the RSC color of the month. You can see mine does have pink in addition to the red and white heart fabric. My primary goal was to use up this old blue scrap of Pam Kitty fabric that I got once in a grab bag. The blue double wedding ring print was only about 12” by width of fabric and had roses with red and pink in it. So there it is - not overly frou-frou or Valentine-y, but suggestive of it. I’ll link up to the January Table Scraps link party when it goes live.

And then I sewed together my Beachcomber blocks, but I made a misssssssssnake in the last seam and two yellow blocks ended up smack dab next to each other. So, it has a date with my seam ripper and will have to wait until next week or later for a reveal. It will be a February goal to get that RSC project completed.
Next I finished up this week’s round for the Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR). This week’s hostess, Emily of The Darling Dogwood called PLUS blocks for this week’s round. But before sewing that round, I first had to cure something that was bothering me about my block.
I know that green and red exclusively looks Christmas-y, even when it’s not intended to be. I thought that by adding a color that appeared in one of the prints, salmon, I could give the succeeding rounds more options. Instead, I think it narrowed my options and did little in the way of contrast. So, with the help of my trusty seam ripper, I replaced the central square in the original center block and replaced all the salmon with navy. Much better. Here is what my starting block looks like after the fix. Before is on the left, after is on the right.
With that completed, I proceeded to the next round, which were those PLUS blocks. Yes, this should work.
Because I’m not a big fan of square quilts, I decided to make mine rectangular. To that end, I only added the plus blocks along the top and bottom. The quilt now measures 18.5 x 24.5”, and I’m well set up to play with red, navy and green as I move forward. Excuse the wonkiness - I should’ve paid more attention to pressing or pinning it up on the board before snapping a picture.
And finally, I did have a finish. I love the zipper blocks that
Sally introduced me to (original pattern by Lynn Dykstra of
Klein Meisje Quilts). I’m calling my quilt Zipperumpazoo - after one of my favorite (and my kids’ favorite) books by
Mercer Mayer.
The picture is taken out in the back yard on the lumpy and frozen winter grass. It started raining shortly after I was done, so I’m glad I timed it right! Zipperumpazoo finished at 66x81” and was quilted with serpentine vertical lines.
The backing came from a duvet cover that Cousin Kim’s daughter Sarah gave her. Kim and I each took one side, so both our zipper quilts have the same backing. I always love a no-seams backing!!
This quilt is for me, and I’ve already started using it to wrap up in while watching TV. Wait, we never (or rarely) watch TV (except currently watching All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece) . So, I guess I should say I use it in the evenings when we read, or play/surf on our tablets.
We’ll see my son Ryan and DIL Kim briefly later today as they stop by to pick up our birthday card and present for their son (our Grandson) Easton. He’s up in Logan, a 2-hour drive, staying at college. Last week he finished all his engineering finals, so he is set to graduate in engineering in May. Then, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, he’ll go directly into the US Navy’s Nuclear Engineering program. We don’t know yet where he’ll be stationed.
Other than that, nothing else is really new, except that we have started double-masking out of an “abundance of caution”, as they say. Or an abundance of paranoia, since these new more contagious strains of COVID have surfaced in the US. We’re weeks away from getting a vaccine, so I don’t want to blow it now!
Lots of fun eye candy in your post today, Cathy! I love the table scraps placemat - red, pink, and light blue are perfect together. And the zipper quilt finish is really fun! Mike and I have talked about double masking, but haven't actually done it yet. Colorado is on the 70+ age group and he fits there, so was able to get his first shot this past Tuesday. It can be really hard to get that first appointment, so I'm thankful we found a spot tor him. Hope you guys are getting close!
SEW productive in PINK, Cathy!! Thanks for joining the TABLE SCRAPS Link Party on my blog and you earned your bonus points, too. :o))
Wow, your Zipperumpazoo is fabulous! You had a great month! I think your table scraps runner is very nice! It reads pink!
We were able to get our vaccinations on the 22nd. One of the few times I was glad to be over 70! *smile*
Wow, so many beautiful pink blocks and quilts !!!
Man-oh-man--you really went to town with the pink this month--lovely stuff--
AND--I think the zipper quilt finish is amazing...really neat. Good work--
I am slogging away on my log cabins and my geese here still--a couple of long termers right now...hugs, Julierose
I'm glad I'm always sitting down when I read your blog, you are always so busy stitching away that I need a little R&R to keep up! So many lovely projects, well done.
You have been really busy sewing! I really like the table runner. Great colors!
Love your Zipper quilt. So bright and cheerful, just what we need in these stressful times. Hope your vaccine happens soon. My husband got his first one last Saturday and mine is scheduled for next Monday - a great way to start the month of February.
Oh, I love the zipper quilt! That's a great one to keep for yourself. I also love a seam-free backing. I keep seeing those stay at home round robins and they all look great. I might have to jump in on that one. The virus variants scare me, too, but I'm really crossing my fingers that we get some vaccine appointments soon. Stay safe!
Beautiful blocks and wonderful quilts. You have being busy.
Hope the vaccine will be a reality for everyone very soon. I am also in line, waiting. Take care and be safe.
You've done pinkaliscious this month. So many wonderful blocks and quilts. On to yellow!
OMG! I just lost a long comment. Suffice it to say I love your quilts and congratulations to Easton! Keep us posted on his travels.
So many projects! Love the runner and congrats to your grandson. The pink quilts are pretty and you reminded me I need to work on the plus round robin today! Thanks.
It's so interesting seeing all the adaptations people are making with the Round Robin project. I wasn't very fond of the zipper blocks, but put all together, it came out quite colorful. I received an email in early February from my health care system saying they would be randomly selecting patients for vaccinations and that they would call to schedule and they hoped to get to everyone by early March. Well, given the very limited supply, it looks like that ship has sailed. So I stay home and wait. At least the positivity rate in our are has greatly decreased. We'll see what effect the clandestine Super Bowl parties have.
Fun quilts! I looked for the book, but can only find it available for very high used prices. My kids love Mercer Mayer's little creatures, and I'd never heard of Zipperumpazoo.
What a delight to read your post and see all those pink creations! I love the back and front of that Zipperumpazoo. Going to have to make me one of those. Thanks for sharing.
Zipperumpazoo is a scrappy delight -- and there's no other way to do justice to that jumbo print than to use it as a backing. How do you get all the quilt photos to line up so nicely? (I'm still adjusting to the new Blogger.)
Yes, the navy as a center and in the plus signs looks good and takes away those Christmas-y vibes. Lovely start!!
Oh, I love Zipperumpazoo both front and back. I wasn't sure how all those zipper blocks were going to look together but now I know...fantastic!
Good thing you decided to join in SAHRR. So far you have a delightful creation.
Definitely like the change you made to the center of the SAHRR block - strawberries and blueberries always play well together! LOVE how the zipper blocks turned out; the backing is awesome! Zipperumpazoo, eh? I read lots of Little Critter books with my boys, but I don't remember that one!
You had a crazy productive month!!! What beautiful pink quilts!! and your zipper.... is beautiful too!! ( I can't spell well... so not even attempting that one!)
Ah, the love/hate we have for Jack The Ripper! In your case I think you (and he) did the right thing. Lots of pink projects appeared from your clever hands this month! As for double masking - I'm having a hard enough time even dealing with regular masks much less trying to breathe through doubled ones. For now, I'm still managing to go to the grocery store but if the 'variants' get close to us that will stop and I'll go to curb side pickup.
Easton must be One Smart Cookie! The Navy only takes the best of the best for their nuclear program, so congrats to him. Zipperumpazoo is amazingly bright, fun and wild! I'm not surprised you're keeping it for yourself. Glad to hear you are taking extra precautions. Stay safe!
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