I have been concentrating on finishing my One Monthly Goal for April, and I did it! But first, let’s talk about wrapping up Aqua for April in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Here are my blocks for the month.
Top Row, L-R:
4 Selvage 4-Patches, 8.5” unfinished
8 Cracker Blocks, 7.75” unfinished
5 Crumb Blocks (6.5”) sewn with last year’s blocks into 3 13.5” Crumbcake blocks
Middle Row, L-R:
8 Anvil Blocks, 8.5"
12 9-Patch variation blocks, 6.5”
8 Garlic knot blocks, 8.5"
Bottom Row:
1 Selvage Tumbler Row (sewn to two previous rows)
4 String Blocks, 9.5”
2 Bitcoin blocks
Total: 52 blocks
Here is how the Bitcoin blocks are looking to date. I probably should be keeping track of total inches sewn as I would like to use them as a border for a Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt in the future.

My quilt top started the month out in pieces - not even all of them at that! I had decided to initially make about half to two-thirds of them to begin with. I wanted to wait for the quilt reveal to see what it looked like and what size I would eventually want.
As it turned out, I did like the quilt quite a bit, but prefer rectangular quilts to square ones. So I made several fewer blocks and eliminated one small green/neutral inner border. I had to do a bit of quilty math and creative piecing on the final side center borders (inserting a narrow strip where the blue HSTs meet in the center), but it all worked out.
I’ll never get an award for my piecing, but I am proud that I was able to keep those borders from flaring out. I had to remove and resew those scrappy neutral borders just inside the final border, but it was worth it to keep it all squared up. The flimsy measures 54” x70”.
So, I’m linking up to Elm Street Quilt’s April OMG Finish post. And breathing a huge sigh of relief! I now have a few days before the RSC color for May is announced, so I’m going to piece a backing and select a binding for Good Fortune, then just play with my string scraps for a few days while I think on some goals and projects for May!
Lotsa lovely QIP's for RSC you've got going there! Nice works--I cannot keep track of so many things at one time; I get more squirrelly than I already am!! Just ask hubster!! Over-
whelmed is not one of my good moods....
Threw my back out yesterday--doing what you ask? Just
getting up out my recliner too fast!! [This is also not my "best-est" mood...hoping icing will take care of it....]
hugs for a happy weekend Julierose
I like the way you're putting your crumb blocks together, Cathy! I've been working on crumb blocks the last few days, and mulling over what I want to do with them. Good Fortune looks wonderful! Congratulations on meeting your goal!
Fabulous selection of AQUA blocks and a great solution to your Good Fortune challenge!!
an astounding array of aqua blocks- yay, you! congrats on the good fortune flimsy, too! i have all my blocks pieced, and all the notes/sizes written (carefully) down. i'll get it together as a donation quilt one of these days...
Congratulations on finishing Good Fortune top. Love your aqua blocks!
That's amazing progress for your Good Fortune. And on aqua too!
Fabulous job on ALL those aqua blocks! Your Good Fortune quilt looks great too. Way to finish it up. Nice lap size.
Oh, your Good Fortune looks GREAT! Good job getting those final borders on in such a stylish way. I think the pieced scrappy neutral border makes getting it all flat and square much harder so you really fought the good fight and won :)
Congratulations on a beautiful finished top. I love your color choices, like spring flowers. You did a really good job with the border as well.
Congrats on completing your OMG! It's wonderful.
And congrats on all those yummy aqua, etc. blocks. Also wonderful stuff.
We have had weird weather here too. I've been trying to get the cool weather stuff in that can be planted before last frost date which is anywhere from April 30 -- May 15. Have lettuce, spinach, onions, snap peas, radishes up. Been eating lots of asparagus. New strawberry bed planted, potatoes planted. And then yesterday...snow!! It stuck for about an hour and then melted.
Beautiful aqua blocks! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
You got a heap of aqua done! Lovely blocks!
And big time congrats on getting that top done! Recalculating for a rectangle wasn't easy!
Such a pretty batch of RSC blocks! I think it’s my favorite color so far this year. Your group picture is a great sampler for anyone looking for RSC ideas. The Good Fortune quilt looks wonderful! I can imagine how tricky those borders were, but so worth the extra effort it took. Your high school math teacher would be proud of you doing quilty math (the best kind of math).
What a grand variety of RSC blocks! I'm impressed that you can juggle that many designs-in-progress. Your version of Good Fortune turned out very nicely.
Enjoyed seeing all the aqua blocks together - very pretty! Shuddered when you said you had to use math for Good Fortune....not my forte (and this comes from someone who used to work in a bank!!!).
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