Friday, October 27, 2017

Roll Up the Pink Carpet

Wait! Don’t really roll up the pink carpet - I’m not done playing with my pink scraps!

Do you ever set up unrealistic goals for yourself? Of course, we all have (or do) at one time or another. This week my goal was to finish up the quilting on a couple quilts (done), sew the last block for my autumn quilt and sash the quilt (block made) and finish up my pink scraps. HA! That last one gave me a bit of trouble, especially since I hurt my back last week and was forced to slow down, rest, use a heating pad and Ibuprofen to get through it. Which I did. Result? Lots to share, but more pink work over the next several days.....

First, I quilted and bound Reading Rainbow!! Back in June I finished my Crayon Quilt, which was my first Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt of 2017. But Reading Rainbow has been the most fun, most anticipated and the biggest achievement for me. And I love it!

Rather than go into all the details again, you can read about it HERE in a blog post I did earlier this week.

After Reading Rainbow, I finished quilting a pink baby quilt which will go into the charity pile. Here is that one, front and back.

This pink quilt with the fun polka dot sashing measures 37x50”.  It used up a lot of pink scraps, both front and back (below).  There’s that cute penguin fabric again from Diann at Little Penguin Quilts. I saved the lion’s share of it to pet and fondle for a future use.

And then I finally drafted a very basic 12” barn block and sewed that up. Here it is, in all its wonky barn-ness.

So that finishes up the Autumn Quilt blocks. Thank goodness. Over the coming week they will be sashed. Who knows, I may get even farther along, but the remaining pink gets priority under the needle. Remaining pink scraps? Yeah, there’s more. In fact, I cut the last of my pink and pastel vintage sheets into 6” blocks and pieced this charity-baby-quilt-to-be. It’s pinned on the design board OVER the autumn blocks, so if there are shadows from the back, that’s why....

This will be quilted and bound this week too. Hopefully. And then I have all my other bits and pieces of pink. Some of those will be made into slabs for kennel quilts (this week?), and others will be made into some small scrappy blocks for a future, undetermined project. No lack of work to do here..... So, I’m saving my pink scrappy recap until next week.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I’ve been giving some thought to my 2018 Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects, as I bet many of you have. Later in the week I plan to do a post on how and where I save ideas and then sort through them to finally determine - and keep track of - my projects for the coming year.  I hope you’ll join me for that, because I’d love to hear how YOU do it. Maybe we can all glean some useful ideas, creative and organizational, from each other!

Linking up to:
Rainbow Scrap Challenge/Scrappy Saturday
Oh Scrap!


  1. I see pink penguins in there! :) Your pink quilts are adorable, and will be dearly loved by someone, I'm sure! So sorry to hear you hurt your back this week, but glad it is better. Probably like us - too much fall yard work? Have a great weekend, Cathy!

  2. I think that you did amazing with a hurt back! Everything looks great. There are some gorgeous pink patterns from the vintage sheets. I have a new respect for pink now. I have so many beautiful blocks and quilts this month.
    Hope you are healing up fast!!

  3. Oh dear. Molly is rolling on her back laughing her head off. She asked me to name this year's RSC projects, and I couldn't, so she started laughing harder. But then I bet you wouldn't be able to name off all the projects you FINISHED this year (off the top of your head). Ha!

  4. Just think of all you can accomplish when you're 100%!! I look forward to hearing how you keep up with ideas; I definitely need help in that department.

  5. Reading Rainbow is FABULOUS!!! What a terrific finish. And then all the other things you accomplished this week too! Well done!

  6. No wonder Reading Room is your favorite. You got so creative with it and really put your heart and soul into it. The other projects turned out well. The pink baby quilt sure is cute! I'm looking forward to your idea organization post. Maybe I will find ways to improve mine. So glad your are well again. Take care of yourself, friend.

  7. I know I said it before, but Reading Rainbow is one of my favorite quilts. It will go on my potential RSC list and I very much look forward to your ideas on organizing project ideas and hopefully how you narrow down your choices. Every year I see so many great ideas and just can't get to all of them.
    My pink month started pretty well, but the weather stayed so mild that I just had to keep doing outdoor garden cleanup. And next week I go to Houston. Oh well, there's always next year.

  8. You have made amazing progress especially considering your sore back!

  9. I love your reading rainbow; I've been wanting to make a bookcase for some time. I have to read how you planned it. I look forward to your post on organising; I need all the help I can get!

  10. I've also started thinking about RSC projects for 2018 and am curious about your process. I look forward to that post!

  11. Hooray!! for a PINK charity quilt as part of your RSC progress. Very nice!!

  12. You accomplished all this - and with a sore back. As always, I'm impressed!


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