A couple days ago I received a wonderful package in the mail from my friend Pam Kellogg of Kitty & Me Designs. We've talked about our mutual fondness for vintage embroidery transfers, and in fact it was Pam that got me started on it about two years ago. So, after finding some duplicates in her collection, she was kind enough to share!
Pam is so sweet! She also included some trims.... and a surprise! Another fondness we share is for Marie Antoinette, and she surprised me with one of her M.A. pins. She sells these in her Etsy shop along with so many of her other wonderful things. Thank you, dear Pam!
We've had rain and very cool weather the last couple days, and I've enjoyed curling up in the evening with my DH and cat, a cup of coffee, and some stitching. I've been working on a wool block for a Crazy Quilting International round robin. Karrin appliqued baskets onto her blocks, and the previous stitchers have all filled their baskets with wonderully-stitched flowers.
This week's "Build-a-Stitch" challenge at CQI was the Buttonhole Eyelet Flower. Kerry has links to tutorials on her blog, but I first "noticed" it on Sharron Boggon's blog and tried to recreate it from memory. Of course, my memory being what it is (or, more acurately, what it ISN'T), I did a larger buttonhole center and cast-on stitch petals (top petals).
After discovering my error, I tried one below it with bullion stitches, but my center was still too big. The third (smallest) flower had a smaller center, but the bullions are all "drunken" and yukky. My eyes were about crossed by then. Maybe I just need to tickle their tummies...... hmmmm. So, three versions..... with no centers, YET. I will add the centers and post a picture of the completed block in the next day or two. I still have to stitch some sort of "critter" to harmonize with the other baskets. No one's done a dragonfly yet, so I'm thinking that I'll do that.
On Wednesday, I hit the thrift store again, and while I didn't get much of blogging interest (unless you want to see a picture of a display rack, butter knife and bias tape), I did score some great fabrics. They're all gleaned from sheets, an idea which I got from another blogger (don't remember where, sorry) who supplements her fabrics for kid's clothing with vintage or vintage-like sheets and pillowcases.
That polka dot sheet was like new - still stiff with sizing - and came from The Pottery Barn. The blue gingham with lace was one of a pair of never-used handmade pillowcases, too. I can see some cute little upcycled girls' summer dresses here....
And speaking of cute and little girls, here is a Shameless Grandma Boast about my DGD London.
London has learned to crawl (yeah, I know. She's 9 months old, so that's not exactly early or unexpected, LOL). She's been crawling for about three weeks, but for the first two, this "crab-style" crawl was how she cruised around. Her left leg is bent, but her right leg stays straight. She got quite good at this, then it finally occurred to her that she could bend both legs, She trucks around now like crazy.
And this was her a couple days ago as we prepared to go shopping. Her feet are constantly "dancing". And that tongue! She loves music and if it's playing, she'll bounce or kick depending on whether she's sitting or standing. Aren't babies so precious!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
You're quite welcome Cathy! Love your grandbaby. Sweet photos!
But you created your own flowers and they still turned out very pretty! Love your linens!
London is just adorable, Cathy - I love these photos!
I like Hodge Podge blog posts! Pam K. is a very generous sweet lady, isn't she? I have also been the beneficiary of some gorgeous crafty items from her, as well as great American craft mags. I keep her supplied in Aussie craft mags and bits of lace that I find in opshops!
Hi Cathy
The pics of London doing her one legged crawl made me smile. They are so sweet at that age. You could just hug them if they would stay still long enough.
I am back trying to work on my quilt. I have started on the centre but it is going to take awhile. figured if I got that done I would have to finish the other 12 blocks.
Love London's one leg shuffle...she is a cutie! You can post about her anytime.
Loved too the background about the buttonwheel flowers...I like the cast on stitch combination myself....
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