Cathy’s CRAZY by Design ( will be open for business on Thursday, July 1. I’m going to feature my Golden Laces (venice and other laces dyed with potassium permanganate). If you’ve ever seen the Australian publications, or the work of Jenny Haskins or Judith & Kathryn, you are probably familiar with these unusual, lustrous, YUMMY laces. Whenever I take them to a CQ conference, they sell out.
I’ll also be offering you some of my great vintage finds: vintage laces, vintage trims, vintage linens, and other whimseys. And regular laces and trims. And to round it out, I’ll have lots of farmgirl-type aprons (with denim bibs) and cute and kicky contemporary aprons for women and girls. Some will be sedate and tame, others will be fun and wild! Full aprons, half aprons, and aprons you can “cook” in (but not necessarily in the kitchen, ahem, if you catch my drift....). It’ll likely take me a couple weeks to get up to speed and get it all listed, but it’s a-comin’!!
So, let’s all celebrate! I’m going to have a fun giveaway for YOU, with two prize packages. First, let’s take a look at what I’ve put together.
Weekend in Paris?? Well, not quite! But how about a lovely framed print of Paris, a little ceramic Eiffel tower bud vase, rose-scented imported Italian (pretend it’s French) soap in tulle, a vintage mother of pearl button, a vintage embroidered hankie, a vintage crocheted fan, a “golden” dyed fleur-de-lis, and some vintage baby blue trim (around the “tower”). All you need to furnish is the wine and candles!!!
Ah, but maybe you’re more the type to get right to creating. If so, how about some golden lace?
Over the years I’ve learned that different laces take the potassium permanganate in different ways. That is true of most dyeing, I’m sure. The golden sheen is most apparent on rayon venice lace. Some modern venices are part rayon and part OTHER. And some of the laces I dye are cotton, which don’t have a sheen at all, just a nice light (ranging to dark) color. The lace prize is all that’s pictured above, plus several items that I’ll add (at least 3 more nice ones, bringing it to a dozen pieces).
My third wonderful announcement is that I’ve been asked by Pam Kellogg of Kitty & Me Designs to be her first featured guest blogger. That post is happening today, July 1, 2010. Woo-hoo, again! If you don’t know Pam (which I doubt, because EVERYONE knows and loves Pam), hop on over to her blog (as soon as you’re done here!). Pam is an amazing crazy quilter, designer, and former cross-stitch pattern designer (well-published, I might add). Her Etsy shop was my inspiration to open my own shop (because I spent so much money there, I had to gain another source of income) because her creations are so gorgeous! And she is my new BFF!!!
So, all three of these items tie in together (in my “wonderful” category, anyway), and here is how YOU can be one of the giveaway winners. There are 5 ways to get your name entered into the drawing, with a total of up to 8 chances to win! Between today (Thursday, July 1) and Friday, July 9, 2010 at midnight (MDT), leave a comment ON THIS POST. Please, it must be on this post!! You will be entered one time. But there are ways to get your name entered again, so let’s run them down:
1. Leave a comment on this post - one entry
2. Become a follower of this blog - one entry (current followers are automatically entered)
3. Post about this giveaway (with a picture) in your blog & link back here - one more entry
4. Become a follower of Kitty & Me Designs - one entry (current followers are automatically entered). If you follow both blogs, you’re entered twice right off the bat!
5. Make a purchase at Cathy’s Crazy by Design between now and July 9, midnight, and you will get three additional entries.
Make sure I have a way to contact you! If you don’t have a blog, make sure your name and email address show up in your comment. I don’t want you to lose out because I can’t find you!!
So, let the party commence! And thank you one and all for your friendship and support! YOU ARE THE BEST!
Hope it all goes well with your Etsy shop, and enjoy the party.
Congratulations with opening the shop :)
And I like to be in your give away, I am following you for ages :)
( don't send the vase,far too much stamps! ;)
Hiya Cat!
Oh my gosh! Am I first? I want to wish you best of luck with your Etsy and I want to be the first to try for the lovely laces in your give away. Ooooh! I hope, I hope! I'll check and see all the different ways I can get more chances to win, I'll let you know what those are soon. Even if I don't win I will definately visit your Etsy to have a look-see & most likely a buy.
Big Hugs ~Ing in S. Cali.
Congratulations!!I am a follower and love every minute of it. Off to shop the etsy shop.
Great Job on the guest posting I am now a follower of Pam's as well.
I enjoyed the post and look forward to going back to read more.
Went to the etsy shop and made a purchase. I bought the square lace window. I love it! I have my eye on the floral scroll as well, may have to go back.
Hi, congratulations on opening your shop I love the gold lace. In fact, I love any lace. It 'does' something to me. lol I am a follower, also of the other blog, but I don't have a blog myself
Hi again :) Just wanted to tell that I went to Pam's blog and sign up to follow. I even left a comment there too, I'm already signed up to yours and I even took a look at your etsy and got a few of your laces.. just in case I don't win here,LOL! The only thing left to do is link it to my blog, but I'm afraid I don't know exactly how to do that anymore. Oh well! BTW.. Loved you guest post! It's so you.. cute! LOL!
Love and Hugs ~ Ing
I would love to win the laces!! Good luck on your etsy shop!
I have posted on my blog, and, I already link you under my favorite blogs on my blog.
Have a great day!
Congrats of the new shop. I am sure you will do very well. I'd love to see the laces in person. I'm off to check out the shop.
Congratulations are definitely in order Cathy. I hope you do well and I'm looking forward to reading your guest post
Great giveaways. I'd like to take a chance. Good luck on Etsy.
Good luck with the shop.
I would like to be entered in your giveaway, I posted a link on my blog and became a follower to your blog. I'm already a follower on Pam's blog.
Woohoo! Wonderful giveaway! Please count me in, and best wishes for your shop success!
Congrats and hope all goes well. I love yor crazy quilted purse and it's on my to do list. Your laces are beautiful anyone would welcome the addition. Your friend in stitches Linda
Congratulations on all fronts!! SO glad to hear you have a's always good to have more ways to get into trouble. And you were a GREAT guest blogger too! It was fun to get to know both you AND Pam! xx
Good for you, girl! I know you will be a big success. Love, Donna
Congratulations of beautiful work! Your work and blog are absolutely breath taking...I will happily be your follower. So thankful to have found you!
Congrats. I'm heading on over to the Etsy shop as soon as I enter. Would love the golden lace. Thanks.
I love both your giveaways and would love to win either one. I follow you ever day on my Google Reader.
2nd try to post a comment. Good luck in your creative pursuits. Maybe you will inspire ME to restock MY Etsy Shop. Boxes of downsizing things overflow here. Not enuf hours in the day-don't know how you and others do it! Any hints? Off to read your guest blog & become a follower!
Oh I just love the Paris themed giveaway! I have never been and really want to go!
I am so happy you are opening a etsy shop! I have been looking for good online resources for crazy quilting and haven't really found any!
Congratulations all all of your good news-ez. I loved your guest post on Pams blog - it was a nice surprise to find out it was you. I've been subscribed to your blog for awhile now, but I must admit I'm remiss in leaving many comments. I will try to recify that! Cheers!
Hi Cathy! I am so glad I found your blog! I am new to CQ but have loved it forever. I discovered Pam's blog back when she was designing Cross stitch and she inspired me so much. I have been collecting stash to do a CQ but have been afraid to actually start it-- But hopefully very soon. I am now a follower here and have been a follower of Pam's forever. I have also posted about you and your site on my blog I am off to check out your Etsy shop. Thanks for the inspiration and the opportunity to win a lovely gift from you.
Kathy aka The Mad Stitcher
Boy I am going to have to use my brain on this giveaway but it will be worth it for 2 of my favorite people.
Cathy!!! WOW, girlfriend, I am so proud of you for taking this giant leap into being an "Etsy Shopkeeper!!!" Now you can be our official, designated antique and vintage merchant/shopper, and maybe get enough moola for, what else, but to support your passion for finding even more thrift shops, garage sales, and other serendipitous treasure hunting!!!!!
I am certain your etsy shop will be a huge success. I'm such a newbie with big ideas - I spend a lot of time scampering around looking for just the right thing to do on my first rr blocks. You are an inspiration for sure. I'm heading to your shop now. Jacque in Nebraska
Hi Cathy,
I'd love to win either one of those gorgeous prizes! Thanks for the opportunity. By the way, I'm looking forward to seeing you again on the east coast next April. It's been a long, long time!
Congrats on your new store. Hope all goes well and you are really busy with sales. I love the items in your give away! You are so generous! Congrats also on guest blogging at Pam's blog. How cool is that??
I am back to let ya know I posted on my blog about the give away and the shop opening.
HI Cathy! Count me in!
Congratulations! This is my first blog and I am excited! Please include me in your giveaway!
Congratulations on opening your Etsy store. My daughter and I are looking into this also. Love your give-a-way prizes.
I posted a link on my blog.
Absolutely beautiful!
Cathy - I can't wait see all the yummy things you put in your new Etsy store! What a beautiful give-away.
Hi Cathy! Wow, thanks for your generous giveaway. Both packages are lovely, gorgeous, and would be fun to work with. Thanks!
I am a follower of Cathy's Crazy by Design!
I am a follower of Kitty & Me Designs!
Hope much success with your Etsy shop and please enter me in your giveaway.
Congratulations on your new Etsy shop. I wish you only success. I have just become a follower so drop my name in that hat twice, lol. Beautiful lace dyeing. Hugs, Shari in Colorado
What a beautiful lace collection. Good luck with your Etsy shop
congrats with your etsy shop! and a very nice giveaway! i also signed up to follow your blog! :)
Congratulations on the opening of your Esty shop! I love laces!
i just started following your blog, but i have to say that i wished i had discovered your blog much earlier!!!
Congratulations Cathy on your new vetnure I'm sure you will do fantastic! I just became a follower of Kitty even though I have been following her work for a long time as I have you.
Best wishes for great success!
Really enjoyed your blog, I love lace, I love Paris! Your Etsy shop should do well-beautiful merchandise and great prices. The Paris picture will be perfect on my picture wall at home-hope I win. Blessing on you and your shop.
The give away items look beautiful!
I just found Pam and then I read your post on her blog, I'm so thankful I found you both. I love to CQ and kitties, well you can't have to many! I hope your Etsy shop does well, lovely pieces and great prices. I'm off to post about both of you on my blog. I would love to be entered in your give-away. BE BLESSED
Awesome give-away Miss Cathy and congratulations on your etsy shop! I have blogged about it on my blog and have become a follower on yours and on Pams.(Nice interview BTW) Good luck my friend, your things are always GO-A-JUS!!! Debbie (Maine)
Congratulations on your Etsy shop! I wish you tons of success!
I am one of your newest followers and a new follower of Pams blog as well!!
I would love to win the Paris squishie!! That bud vase is awesome!
Congratulations on your new shop, Cat! I am sure you will have loads of fun and good luck to you in this enterprise! I am off now to check out your guest blogger post on Pam's site.
Hi Cathy...CONGRATULATIONS on the new shop! I know it will go well for you! I am so impressed by you stitchers who actually take the time to set up shop on ETSY...good for you!
I have always enjoyed your kind of interests...vintage stuff with odd stuff with new stuff.
Best of everything to you.
Colleen Anderson
I've been reading your blog for quite awhile and LOVE your CQ which is my newest needlework passion. I'd love to win your give-away.
Good luck with your Etsy store, I'll be checking it out for sure! And I'd love to win your lace giveaway!!!!
Congrats on the Etsy shop. Great giveaway. :)
What a lovely giveaway. I do so admire your lace. I'm headed right out to your Etsy site. I wish you the best of luck with the shop.
I ama follower of both blogs.
Cynthia Green
Congratulations on all your good news! I've been so busy working I almost missed the news. Wish you were in St. Louis this weekend!
Hi Cathy, Oh my! I came home from a trip to San Diego and saw I had received my beautiful laces from your Etsy. Oh my! Of all my laces.. these are some of the prettiest, softest laces I own. I will definitately be back to your Etsy again. Thank you! Plus, I forgot to tell you that I had also blogged about your giveaway on my blog since the 1st of July. I sure do hope I'll be a winner of at least one of your 3 prizes but most of all the laces. I just adore them!
Love and Hugs and Good Luck again for great success of your Etsy! ~Ing
Hi Cathy, what a great giveaway! My friend collects eifel towers so it would be great to win. Besides posting here I am a follower of both you and Pam.
Congratulations, Cathy!! I love your golden laces!!
Love this give away!! I'm already a follower of both you and Pam, love your blogs!
Congrats on your shop! what a lovely giveaway!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
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