Hearts Round Robin - Last Block
I've been in a hearts-themed round robin at Crazy Quilting International since February, and this block, belonging to my friend Debbie ("short stuff") Q in Maine, was the last one for me to stitch on. There were a few little spots here and there, (no open seams) so I just tucked in some motifs, and added a bit more embellishment to the beautiful central motif. Debbie herself had added the silkie with the 3 little girls (she loves pictures of little Victorian girls) and surrounded it with beautifully-dyed lace. It set a wonderful tone for the block.
This is the completed block, and I think it turned out lovely. Of course, now that I see it on the screen, I think I could've/should've added something more in the lower left (I did add that yellow butterfly)....
Above is a little pearl heart that I added to the lower right side. It is freshwater pearls (spaced with small faux pearls) and filled with a Kreinik gold braid hatching.
This is the rest of the work I did on Debbie's block; the feather stitch heart in the upper left and the addition of a blue butterfly to the central motif, as well as adding silk ribbon roses to the girl's arms and along the outside of the central heart. After stitching the pink rose vine on the upper right, a little spider came along and asked to add something to the block. So she spun a web for Debbie, and included a heart in the center of the web. I was delighted, and I hope Debbie will be too! She was too shy to stick around, so you won't see here in the picture below, LOL.
And now it returns home to Debbie, and I'm busy working on a couple CQ'ed Altoid tins for our Tin Swap. Then I've got several blocks to piece for our Flower Fairies round robin. I'm so excited about this. Will share more of those things later this week. Thanks for dropping by!
Cathy your stitching is always truly beautiful. Hugs Judy
Beautiful, beautiful! I love the cross-hatching in the heart with the gold braid. Please feel free to share photos on our Facebook page - Kreinik Manufacturing Company - you will inspire many stitchers!
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