Sunday, July 20, 2008

And the Winner is....

Karrin Hurd!!!!!!!!!!!!! My DH just drew your name as the winner in my Pay it Forward contest. Will you please contact me by private email and let me know your address and what you like???? Congratulations!!! I hope that you, too, will be inspired to pay a kind deed forward in some way!! Hugs to all - Cathy


  1. Thanks so much Cathy, you just made my day, and I certainly will play it forward.

  2. Hello, I am a first time visitor here. I think I found your website when I was searching for the meaning of certain symbols in crazy quilt embroidery. I found some explainations for a few of them but not all. Do you have a source where I can find the list and their meaning. I'm new to quilting in general and crazy quilting but am an apt pupil willing to learn from the experts. I have been adding some of your websites to favorites.
    Mama Bear

  3. Mama Bear - I visited your blog but cannot find a way to contact you. Please drop me an email via my contact info in my blog profile. Cathy


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