Saturday, June 22, 2024

String Fever

Just a short post this week. We’ve been busy finalizing details on the kitchen remodel, filling out forms for the Veterans Administration (VA) and planning a fun day with Bruce’s daughter Stacy and her five kids. We haven’t seen the grandkids since before we moved from the old house (3 months ago), so we’re really looking forward to a fun day today of playing, swimming, walking (and collecting pinecones), eating and getting some pictures with them. 

In sewing, this week was all about sewing string blocks from my blue scraps. The Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for June is all the blues. 

Here were my blue strings at the beginning of the month. I should’ve taken them out of their piles and spread them out more for a better depiction of the quantity.

And here is the “after” picture with the 56 blocks (to finish at 6”) I made from them, plus the leftovers. 

I’ll use the 56 blocks to make a quilt that is 7 blocks across by 8 blocks down for a finished size of 42x48” - a good sized kid quilt. 

At our Weight Watchers workshop last Tuesday, someone said that MaryEllen (right, in pic below) and I (left in pic below) looked like twins with our curly gray hair. HA! So we had to have our pic taken. Of course, we look nothing alike (and I adore her!) Her hair is naturally curly and my curls come from a curling iron and wilt quickly in the heat! 

That’s all for this week! Next week I’ll be sharing some information I’ve been putting off for awhile (this is mentioned more to remind myself to write about it than to be coy). We’re still gathering information and will be ready to share by next week). Hint: we are *not* going into Witness Protection, hahaha!! Have a great week!


  1. Those blue string blocks are going to make a fun quilt! It's always amazing to see how many you can make. Have a great time with the grands today!

  2. Enjoy your visit with “the kids” ! It’ll be fun for them to be in the pool! I too, am always amazed at the amount of strings blocks you sew. I was thinking about your Creature quilts from the past as I was scrabbling together a kids quilt backing. Will I never use up all the flannel pieces I have?

  3. The fact that you ended up with 56 - 6" blocks proves just how many blue strings you had. Love the idea of a before and after picture for a quilt.

  4. I am afraid my blue scrap pile is gonna eat me on day, almost as much as my DDH's Computer room and "place where tech projects go to die" is going to wrap a random wiry tentacle around my ankle and I'll disappear forever with nary a burp.
    You look marvelous BTW!

  5. I always love me a good string block. Your pile makes me want to get my strings out & start sewing them up. But then I'd have to clean up all the current projects & I should probably not squirrel off into something else. LOL

  6. What an accomplishment! Excellent tackling of those strings. I'm anxious to see the layout you choose with your 56 blocks. Wow! 56 blocks!!!

  7. Whew! 56 string blocks is quite an accomplishment for the week. Great job and so pretty!

  8. Nice assortment of blues! (I could look it up, you free-piece them or use foundations?) Enjoy the company!

  9. Such a happy photo of you both... your laughter reaches me - thank you.
    Your table with all the fabrics is wonderful. I would like that too. I'm not a quilting stronghold here, I'm a solo entertainer in this respect... I've been working with fabric since I'm retired and it's so much fun... so you can play with your supplies... you have nice blocks you done.
    A hug for you from Viola

  10. Hugely relieved to know that you're not about to go into witness protection!


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