Saturday, June 8, 2024

Blue Sewing and Blue Skies

So, here it is Saturday again. Who turned the Time Machine up to warp speed? The days just seem to fly by! Summer has arrived here, and the temperatures have been in the 80s-90s (F) this week. The swimming pool is a welcome respite, but we did have to finally turn on the air conditioner yesterday. 

In a nutshell, because we’re running out to participate in the condo’s annual yard sale momentarily, I’ll sum up my week: Lots of walking, swimming, some sewing, condo meetings and chores, a visit from our dear friend Terri (love you, T! Wish we lived closer!), and we have finalized the kitchen remodel contract. We’ll get the timeline on Monday, and we’re also meeting with a painter to get a bid on the kitchen and family room (and possibly the bathrooms). 

It took me For.Ev.Er to get my blue scraps sorted - what an “overgrown” mess they were! But they’re sorted and I have lots of cutting and prep done for my blue blocks this month. Since we’re combining all the blues for Blue June in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I have more than the usual number of blocks to tackle this month. 

All I got actually sewn were these six Color Stix blocks, a free pattern from Cynthia Brunz.

On one of our evening walks, I snapped this photo of our street.. The street is actually the only long one in the complex, and I’m standing at the very southern end and you can see the very northern end.

The Little Cottonwood Creek along our western border is running at peak levels. The snowpack melts quickly in the June heat. It will likely stay this way for a couple weeks before tapering off. 

Alfie is living his best life, sunbathing in the morning light.

After this picture, he started doing “bunny kicks” with his rear feet. He gets so excited when Mommy takes his picture! 

We’re off to the yard sale. We don’t have much to put out, but there are a few things. Once we get home from that (noonish), we’ll either go swimming and/or just kick back in the cool house and read or sew or nap! They’re all great choices!! 


  1. Sounds like you're enjoying the pool! That is a nice advantage of condo life. Seems like we always have lots of blue to sort through - you're off to a good start on June!

  2. Staying busy as usual! It will be fun to use All the Blues this month! We’ve had a couple of high 70s, only on day that was 80 and not a 90 in sight. That’s ok with me, we haven’t turned on the AC yet! Fingers crossed 🤞

  3. Great blue Color Stix! Did you get any bargains at the neighborhood sale? (Great way to meet people, for sure.)

  4. Cats are wonderful and that spot by the river, looks to me, to be the perfect place to just sit.

  5. Enjoy sewing up those blue scraps. Sounds as though you are loving condo life. Not lots of gardening to do, freeing up your time. Hope the Local Sale went well…. Find any bargains? Best wishes for another busy week.

  6. Sorry i forgot to put my name on the previous comment.


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