Friday, June 28, 2024

Nothing Going On

Actually, there WAS a lot going on this week, and I’m exhausted. But it can all wait (including pictures, if I remember to take some) until next week. My only sewing was making some blue 6” crumb blocks and two blue (one light, one bright and dark) blue “coins” columns.

Anyway, all is well here and I will be back next week with a meaty and photo-laden post. At least that’s my goal! Today I’ll be making apricot jam, doing laundry and relaxing. 

Have a safe and Happy Independence Day for my friends in the U.S. 


  1. Thanks for popping in to let us know all is well. It is a busy time of year and the kitchen redo just adds to the chaos.

  2. I've been conferencing (ALA) and just now catching up on posts myself.

  3. Can’t wait to see all the photos ! Quilt related or otherwise!


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