It seems that all I’ve done this week is layer up finished quilt tops, quilt them and bind/label them. Seriously, we had a lot of wet weather (no complaints about the snow or rain or slush - we need the moisture), so it was the ideal week for me to stay indoors and finish working on my green scraps.
Last weekend, Cousin Kim and I basted three quilts - (1) her Christmas quilt, which I have yet to do the quilting on, (2) my Stay At Home Round Robin quilt, which took For.Ev.Er. to quilt, and will be shown on Monday when I do a special blog post to link up to the finishing post at Quilting Gail’s blog, and (3) the Ballerina quilt (later in this post). And then on Thursday I basted up two more green quilts and got them quilted. Without further ado, let’s get started.
The Ballerina quilt, made with fabric sent to me by Angie (almost every last inch of which was used on the quilt top) measures 40x45.5”. I knew that if I cut up the pieces, I’d have to supplement them with something and nothing in my stash worked. So, simple it is!
It was backed with a perfect chunk I had in my stash - a piece I won in a giveaway a few years ago. I quilted it with a basic stipple.
Next were the two quilts that I called Outer Limits (-Vertical and -Horizontal) last week. First up is Outer Limits - Horizontal.
This one finished at 40.5x46.5” and was quilted with a small loopy design. The back was pieced from the width-of-fabric remains of three green chunks I’ve been using throughout the month.
Finally, we come to Outer Limits - Vertical. This one actually turned out better than I’d hoped. It measures 42” across and 49” down. By this time, I could see the real progress I made in clearing out my green scrap bin!
To “reward” myself for finishing, I actually used a piece of green yardage that’s been in my stash for a couple years - no piecing! Another quick stipple, and this one was done, too.
So that brings the total of March’s green quilts finished (all small quilts for the local Quilts for Kids chapter) to six. I’m linking up to
Scrappy Saturday for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge’s final March progress posting.
And here is a quick roundup of the green RSC blocks I did this month. If my count is correct (and it is because I have to keep track on a spreadsheet), there were 94 green blocks made this month. Yeah, I have no life outside of sewing in these Covid times. I admit it, LOL!!
But wait, there’s more! This may be the last link-up of the month for the RSC, but I have another top sewn for QFK that I may finish before month-end. We’ll see. Here it is in all its stringy glory. I decided to combine green and yellow string blocks with the multi-colored blocks to spice up the colors a bit. I have so many string blocks (Linda - I promise to do a count and let you know how many, LOL) that I figured I’d better get busy and make a string quilt. I even prepped a backing for this, so it’s ready to be basted/quilted/bound - a process that takes me about 2 hours or so.

My multi-colored string bin has filled up again. It’s not overstuffed, but it is near the top. Time to make more multi-colored string blocks. But first I’ll wait to see what color Angela calls for April for the RSC. If it’s a color that I don’t have a lot of scraps and QFK projects for, I can add in a few of my own projects, like the string blocks or assembling another RSC quilt top or my Wishing Rings. So many projects and never enough time.
This week I won some plaid scraps from
Linda at Cynthia’s Spring
2021 Quilty Orphan Adoption Event. And then
Erin at My Patchwork Life had lots of blocks she was giving away, and I won lots of 9-patch blocks there too. Thank you, ladies! All the scraps and blocks will go towards jump-starting future kids quilts for Quilts for Kids.
I have to show you this t-shirt I ordered for Bruce that arrived this week. We love it! (If the Bruce on the t-shirt had one less arm, it would match my Bruce perfectly. It really is an eerie likeness!)
Bruce said to tell you that Alfie doesn’t really drink coffee - unless it’s when we’re not looking.
This weekend I’ll be working on quilting Kim’s Christmas quilt and sewing together this wall hanging for Harambe Humanitarian. The purple fabric (African) was given to me by Sally a couple years ago. I’ve used lots of it to make International Sister dresses and there was enough to do setting triangles for this wall hanging and two more.
Eventually, whenever I can focus a week of time, there will be a total of 8 of these wall hangings. This is just #3. Each wall hanging is slightly different, using various African (or African-esque) fabrics for dresses. The complexions and setting triangles will vary and the backings are/will be one of two styles of large African mandala panels. I’ll show more detail on this one as I complete it in the next week or two.
And don’t forget to come back on Monday for the final post of the Stay at Home Round Robin, where we will all share our finished quilts! See you then.
Cathy,I have a piece Of African fabric that I would love to send you. Violet
Oh my goodness you are amazing with all this green work... love the 2 green finishes in horizontal and vertical :)
Oh my you have been soooo busy! What fabulous green finishes too. I love your last little wall hanging with the African fabric, gorgeous!
Beautiful Array of quilts this month! Just love Outer Limits--and the strings are great together...that little ballerina print is soooo cute....
I am trying to put my mini charms into 9-patches for some future quilt--they are going into the "spare parts dept" right now...
And, I have a lot of finishing ups to do too--still not that motivated though...
I am delving deep into boxes and bins and un-earthing things I had totally forgotten about--duh!!;000
Hugs julierose
That was a really productive month! It's always amazing that those little bits of leftovers can make such a lovely quilt when finished. I love the green quilts, and the African sisters are just amazing, too. They look so great together.
You do accomplish a lot in a week and a month! Your green Quilts for Kids are always wonderful! I like the look of your new string quilt project, too. Great t-shirt for Bruce - you never do know what cats are doing when you're not looking!
Wow, you did a lot in one week,it is amazing!
OMG it was a really productive month, Cathy! Beautiful quilts and lovely green blocks.
wonderful GREEN scrappy quilts! You are going to make the kids happy!!
Wow, Cathy! You got SEW much GREEN sewing done!!!
What amazing totals for March, Cathy! So many lovely green children’s quilts - all great, the Horizontal and Vertical ones so cleverly use up scraps and assorted blocks. And you managed to use some green string blocks in there too. Great idea to combine multi coloured string blocks with single colours ones in green and yellow. They really gave the eyes somewhere to rest amidst the busyness of the multi coloured ones. Super blogpost, so many photos to gaze at. I know I will be staggered by how many string blocks you have.
Oh, look at you go! Quilts for Kids is lucky they met you!
Hi Cathy! I am looking forward to seeing your SAHRR piece. On my list is a ballerina quilt for my two-year-old great-niece, but I plan on doing some appliqué work. ~smile~ Roseanne
Awesome projects ... you've sure been productive !!
Wow - such a month! All the Quilts for Kids projects turned out great. I'm happy you were able to put more of my fabric to use - much better than having it sit in my fabric drawers forever!
My thought while reading your words and looking at your pictures, (beside the fact that your quilts are so wonderful) I thought of the Kids who would receive your quilts and how this must make them feel. Love and care went into these quilts and I am so sure they feel it!
So many great quilts this month! Love the green ones best of all, but the ballerinas are pretty cute.
Love your Outer Limits quilts. You have such a variety of progress !!
You are just a quilting machine, shooting out one project after another and making a ton of RSC blocks to boot. I had good intentions to get back into the RSC game, but, alas, except for 1 yellow 16 patch and my three Table Scraps pieces, I've been a dud. I have finished one quilt and am quilting a baby quilt now and have started far too many other projects, but my heart was just not in the color of the month blocks.
The t-shirt is too funny! They both look quite tough, not to be messed with. I love seeing the variety of pieces you've been working on every week. And glad to hear you finished quite a number, too. Those little ones quilt up quickly, don't they? 2 hours for baste/quilt/bind is about what it takes me, too, depending on quilting motif. Stipple is the fastest, for sure :)
Such good works, Cathy! You are SEW generous. I biggie-sized all your photos! I love to “pour”over your fabrics and settings. I learn a lot! And a reminder to do some International Sisters block! Thx!
I must show your blog to a friend who has spent years and years on one quilt!
"That's the limit!" my mother would say. Slang from her teenage years....and you're stretching the limits with your WONDERFUL scrappy green quilts!
That shirt is hilarious!!!! I assumed it was custom made before you said otherwise. I'm impressed with all your green quilts for kids!
I cannot believe how much you accomplish. If I was in my sewing room all day, every day, I would not finish nearly what you do. Wow!!!
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