Last week I said that I’d finished all my regular teal/aqua blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. But that didn’t mean I was finished with the color yet. A few years ago I had purchased a charm pack of Kate Spain’s HORIZON line and I decided that it was time to do something with it, since it was mainly aqua. So I whipped out some additional scraps and an oatmeal-colored neutral (not my fave) and whipped up this baby quilt top:
After this picture, I fixed that wonky bottom border and then pieced a backing. And that’s as far as I’ll take it for now. It will be a quick process to baste and quilt it for donation when the time comes.
While checking out Pinterest or Instagram (sorry, can’t even remember where let alone who) I saw a great block that used scrappy crumb blocks. Since I’ve been making 6.5” scrappy crumbs all year without a plan, it was good to finally have the perfect plan for them:
I just sashed them with a black 1.5” strip, and they will finish at 13”. So, as time permits, I’ll go back and begin combining the smaller crumb blocks into these larger blocks. Going forward into next year, I’ll make the smaller blocks (or finish up a color) in sets of 4. With what I have already, they could be assembled into a baby quilt, but I would prefer to go bigger. So, that’s the plan for these crumbs.
And there is lots more aqua inspiration over at Angela’s Scrappy Saturday. Come join us!
And speaking of baby quilts, AB Baby was gifted to my step-daughter Stacy on Tuesday afternoon, just before she left for her OB doctor appointment. The doctor told her she was already dilated to a 3, and the next day (Wednesday the 20th), she felt achey and unsettled. Then the labor started and WHAM! Baby Evie was born within a couple hours. She came so quick (18 minutes after Stacy got to the hospital), that no epidural was even given. And here is the little cutie herself:
Isn’t she adorable? I love the little cap with a bow that the hospital uses to keep their heads warm! Mom and baby (6 lb. 13 oz) are back at home and doing great.
The preparation for my trip to Kenya (leaving July 8) is continuing. This week we had another online meeting/travel training. We won’t be taking any blow dryers or curling irons, so I think I’ll get my hair trimmed again just to keep it short and simple. And after price shopping for the required malaria pills, I was able to get them (21 days’ worth) for $50.60 instead of $125+. Our Kenyan visas have been approved, and all our plane flight seating assignments have been secured. Oh, and I got some support hose (YUK) for the loooong flights.
I also prepped some handwork (embroidery) for the long plane flights. Last month when Cousin Kim and I went to the quilt show, I bought a few 8x10 (ish) embroidered designs. This week I cut and stabilized some fabric, then pressed the designs on. This is a new-to-me product by Adorn-it, and one is just supposed to stitch through the design layer. Then the design sheet melts away with a quick soaking. We’ll see how that works - it was an alternative to marking the design directly on the fabric.
All I have left to do now are pull the threads to bring along. My granddaughter Lauren, whom I’ll be sitting with on the flights, loves flamingoes. So I’m hoping she takes an interest and maybe even give embroidery a try. Just in case she wants to, I’m packing two designs and two hoops. Muahahahaha. Method to my madness.....

And finally, more work on Groovy Guitars happened.
I had originally planned to do an all red border, but didn’t have enough of the red - or any other single color for that matter. So, the border was constructed of all the colors except purple.
Here it is in all its carnival-like goodness.
All the machine appliqué is complete. I even did all the large round circles on the machine.
All that’s left to do by hand are the 24 small yellow circles (on the blue and red headstocks) and the three small green circles on the small middle-isn guitar.
Here are some close-ups.
My goal is to have the hand stitching done before I leave for Kenya. Then when I return, I’ll still have about 10 days left in July in which to finish the quilt by layering, quilting and binding. My plan right now is to quilt the background in a black stipple. The guitars will need quilting, too, but I’m not certain yet how I’ll proceed there. Certainly I’ll match the thread to the colors. And then just perhaps some shape echoing or simple crosshatch.
Thanks for dropping by!
OOOh, i just love that baby quilt top. It looks SOOO pretty. I am relieved about the fix it on blogger comments too and like to give a shout out to all the bloggers who shared the tricks to fix it!
That's a great idea for your crumb blocks! And I loved the close-ups of the guitar quilt - really that's going to be sooo amazing when all finished! It's fun to hear about everything you're doing to prepare for the Kenya trip, too. That's coming right up!
My goodness, a full week. I love the baby quilt out of a charm pack, what a great idea and a pretty design, might be copying that one.
Thanks for the peek at your crumb blocks, it is always good to have a plan! Precious pic of baby girl! Love that hat! Good luck on your trip, hope it is all you hope for!
I like that crumb block idea. So many crumb many layouts!
Adorable baby girl with a smile as big as her bow.
Great progress on Bruce's quilt!
Here's hoping you have an embroidery convert! My granddaughter's liked it when they were a little younger and begged me to let them embroider or sew something when they came to visit but now that they are teenagers they don't have time for it anymore, I guess.
Groovy Guitars is looking great - good luck with your quilting plans, but don't rush it! Adorable baby pic - good wishes to the new family! I think your embroidery plans (the concrete and the hoped-for) for the flight are genius!
OMGOSH, I haven't seen a baby THAT cute in ages!! Is that a HUGE smile on her face??? She is a little darling. Wow, that Adorn-it product sure beats transferring a pattern to fabric. Hope it's easy to stitch through and washes out perfectly. I like the colorful border on the guitar quilt. What does Bruce think? Your next two weeks are going to fly by. Be well and safe travels.
xx, Carol
Wow! Your trip is coming up fast! I still have a lot of teal left too, except the cats are using mine as their obstacle hunting ground. And yes, it was weird to discover how much the comments in email mattered.
Congrats on little Evie, so precious. The trip plans are so exciting and time is flying by. Hope you will have lots of photos of those big beasts, but not too close. The guitar border is perfect, lucky Bruce.
Cute quilt. Adorable baby!! And... that's the way I assembled my Crumb blocks in my quilt, The Joyful Scrap Addiction, found at this post:
Even us non-blogging commenters are glad the problem is solved. I was afraid the lack of communication would lead to bloggers and commenters giving up. There is a wonderful virtual community out there that I would hate to lose (and I won't join Facebook to try to find it). Your trip is coming fast. I hope it is everything you hoped for.
Evie is a beautiful baby! It's hard to compete with such a darling baby photo, but Groovy Guitars is *almost* as nice. And I really like the crumb blocks X 4 with black sashing. Great block! Hope things aren't too frantic as you start making your final preparations to travel...
Lots of good stuff happening with you! What an adorable baby Evie is. How long will you be in Kenya, and what is the purpose of your visit? I can't wait to see your pics.
Very big congratulations to all - a wee baby to cuddle and spoil, there's nothing better! The guitar quilt is looking mahvelous darling! Had a thought about what you plan to do on the plane - better check with the airline to see if sewing needles and/or scissors are allowed...might be one of those things they confiscate citing 'safety' reasons.
Wow, guitars looks fantastic! Those embroidery designs are cute; I hope you are successful in your plan to get your granddaughter stitching!
I'm just getting caught up with all my email after a 16 day RV adventure with my grandson to CA from WA. So great to be home! I used to wander all over the place in my (then) 1961 Chassis built camper all by myself. I don't know that I could do THAT again...just regular camping with a buddy was hard on these old bones!
I haven't looked at your quilting stuff...I saw that picture of Baby Evie and stopped all thoughts of anything else. I believe that little one is the most adorable in the whole land! Oh My Goodness! I want to hold her and snuggle with her!!! Congratulations!!!
Okay; back to your post to look at your quilty progress!
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