Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and Father Christmas Fashion Show

I would love to take this opportunity to wish all my readers and Blogland friends a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,  Joyful Solstice, or whatever you celebrate.  Our family celebrates Christmas and some celebrate Hanukkah. We are a United Nations of beliefs; Catholic, Mormon, Jews, Atheists, and everything in between, including a distant uncle who thinks he’s a Klingon.

This is Christmas Eve, and before Bruce and I relax in front of the fireplace and tree to open a few little gifties, I wanted to share some vintage Christmas images with you.  Feel free to copy and save them to your collections - they are copyright free.

I have always preferred the Father Christmas image to that of Santa Claus.  Somehow, I think the noble Father Christmas embodies selfless giving.  IMHO, he is the Missing Link between Jesus Christ and Santa Claus. Please, no angry emails, I am just trying to explain how I think the idea of religion and giving during this season morphed into commercialism.

But, back to Father Christmas.  This guy was a natty dresser. He knew that it took more than a bright red suit to be remembered.  I offer these pictures as proof.

This blue cloak and hat are trimmed with the finest white fur.  

As a change of pace, Father Christmas sometimes sports a yellow ensemble. 
Pay no attention to the fact that he is giving a tree that looks remarkably like the lonely one in the first picture.

Here we see Father C modeling his royal purple gown. Not pictured: the tree holder sewn onto back shoulder area, leaving hands free for a walking stick.

 Sometimes Father Christmas even wore lavender.  Yes, lavender.  But no fur on the hat (why overdo it?)

This khaki-colored ensemble sports dark fur. This outfit is lighter weight, reserved for years that were not as cold.

 Even Father C sported a red cloak now and then, mostly for photo ops with kids.

Nothing says “Outdoor Man” like this green cloak trimmed in leather cuffs and fur collar.

Father Christmas loved green, as you can see with this mint green number.

“Does this make me look fat?”  

Then there was the year that Mrs. Father Christmas (Mother Christmas?) sent all his caps to the cleaners.  He was forced to wear this wide-brimmed cap, a precursor to today’s ten gallon hat.

And possibly my favorite…..

The Natural Man, Father Christmas.  Doesn’t he look, um, God-like?  Or at least Moses-like!  All that walking and giving paid off; he has the physique of a man forty years younger.

No, I have not had any egg nog.  Yet.

Cathy maroon


  1. Thanks for sharing the Fashion Show! Loved seeing all the colours of Santy. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Enjoyed the fashion show! Merry Christmas.

  3. Awesome post Cathy, love the many styles, especially the outdoors Father Christmas.
    Merry Christmas to you also, and looking forward to more cq in the new year!

  4. O, you are so right. We have a gentleman in our community that resembles Father Christmas. We see him often in certain shops visiting with the patrons. Seeing him fills your heart with the season, much more than the red suited guy in the mall.

    Merry Christmas and may your new year bring many blessings.
    xx, Carol

  5. That was fun. Merry Christmas and happy new year!

  6. Merry christmas to you, I hope that this day is of the happiest for you and your family!
    Joyeux Noël!!!

    Beautiful day

  7. First of all a very Merry Christmas to you too Cathy! Let me be honest with you... You won't believe it but before this Christmas I had absolutely nothing with Santa nor Father Christmas. I didn't even knew there was a difference between Father Christmas and Santa! I don't know where they or he are/is coming from either lol. Here in the Netherlands I was raised with St. Nicolas which gift giving celebration is on the 5th of December and he is much alike Santa, only wears a hat like the pope LOL. Anyway, we watched A Christmas Carol yesterday and after seeing that musical I decided to start loving Father Christmas or Santa LOL and now you come with this post! There must be a very special connection between you and me Cathy, as you are pinpointing so specially to Santa, or Father Christmas, or Mozes?!! I never even noticed Santa nor Father Chistmas, let stand his fashion statements but of course I always did notice the good things surrounded by this icon, whomever he is. Its about the gift of giving. I love your post lol, but now I am so confused! I decided to love Santa, but now I can't choose if it should be Father Christmas, Mozes or other icons as the symbol of the giftgiving in this time of the year. I do like his brown fatlooking robe the best, hehehe.
    It should be Christmas every day in the year! People should give every day as if it's Christmas and i'm not talking about material gifts but about peace and love.
    Blessings to you and your family!

  8. You have the most beautiful images there Cathy! I'm afraid I've gone right off the whole Santa Claus/Father Christmas thing in recent years - it is all so commercial these days. I think the whole season has reverted to a pagan festival, as the real 'reason for the season' is not acknowledged by the retail trade, so unless children are brought up in a home with Christian ideals, they have no idea what Christmas is all about.
    But I still love those postcards of yours!
    Best wishes for a happy Christmas and a wonderful new Year.

  9. Thank you so much for these lovely images Cathy! Merry Christmas to you and your family...hugs,

  10. Love the different photos and your comments make me smile. Wishing you a wonderful New Year ahead! blessings,Kathleen

  11. What a beautiful post - and your commentary is second to none. You sound like someone I'd like to share a glass of eggnog, or two, with. Have a very Merry Christmas, Cathy!

    p.s. I totally think that the last one looks like Charlton Heston as Moses.


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