Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More Pre-Retreat Adventures

Things have been so busy here that Diane M and I will be happy to get on the road in the morning for our 7-hour drive to the Crazy Quilting International 4th Annual Retreat in Estes Park, Colorado.  :-)

Yesterday (Monday) we met for lunch with my local (that’s local, not loco, although she’s really both!)  friend Bev.  Bev and I say that we “met in Australia”, because we actually met through Sharon Boggon’s Pin Tangle blog!   After lunch, we headed over the Humanitarian Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon church, which is based in Utah).   Bev volunteered there for 10 years, and I did periodically through one summer.

Last year I took Diane and Ingrid there (see post here) and we hunted through huge bins for fabric.  That was exactly the mission that we were on today!  Fabric for the CQI Stash Dash and/or the Texas fire victims.

Diane climbed into the large cardboard bins

And she had a ball searching for fancy fabric!

Diane, Cathy and Bev
Sorry the picture is blurry, but a volunteer volunteered to take the picture, so we are grateful regardless.

This morning, Tuesday, my granddaughter London arrived for her weekly visit with Grammy and Grandpa (“Dammy and Papa”).  And she had the extra fun of having Auntie Diane here too (and she says that clear as a bell!)

London checks out the “baby cow”, Triton

She even held still for a half second so I snapped this picture

We all went on a wagon ride around the farm, visited all the animals (but missed the new Belgian Draft Horses that arrived last week.  Their fence was being mended and they were in a far pasture).  London loved the cows and all the ducks (every bird was a duck, whether it was a chicken, duck or goose). 

Watching the ducks chickens

Not a great picture, but at least I remembered to use the camera a couple times!
Right now London is napping, and Diane and I are packing our CQ wares and doing laundry - things we cannot seem to get done with a toddler around.  London loves Auntie Diane and sat rapt while she read her Mother Goose stories.  Maybe she is enchanted with Diane’s British accent?  She is, after all, named London!

This is my final post until I get back from the Retreat, and I will probably (hopefully) have lots of pictures and stories to tell.

Until next time,

Cathy maroon


  1. Que el viaje sea provechoso, bendiciones.Muy linda la nieta.Besos.Olga.

  2. Heather Pun (Matheson)September 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM

    So glad you are both having so much fun. Safe travels tomorrow! Thanks for taking such good care of my Mum!


  3. What fun times!! I hope you all have a fantastic time at the retreat in CO! Still not sure if I can make the Wichita one, in a holding pattern for some things still.

  4. Have fun! We'll miss you and await your recount of the retreat.

  5. You look as if you are having so much fun - I am quite green with envy


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