The older I get, the more I feel compelled to squeeze into my life. You’ve heard the saying that life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. People make Bucket Lists (things to do before they “kick the bucket”). And then there are the inevitable New Years Resolutions.
I prefer to think of resolutions as GOALS. I know full well that I will not accomplish every single thing on my list, and that is okay. That will not make me a failure, just perhaps overly-ambitious. I am not clairvoyant, so there is no way to know that curves Life will throw at me in 2011. Things will change, goals may shift mid-stream ... that is the way of things.
But with that in mind, I still believe the best way to get where you are going is with a roadmap, or a list of goals. So here are mine for 2011. They are primarily my art-related goals, not all of my personal goals, like financial and family. But I do plan to lose another 35-40 pounds this year, reaching (and hopefully dipping below) my Weight Watchers goal. I would like to become a Weight Watchers instructor so I do not relapse again like I did in 2007-2008!!
2011 GOALS
1. Participate in 3-4 crazy quilting round robins. These will serve as a personal refresher course in lots of disciplined, regular stitching.
2. CQby2012: Sketch out the design idea and colors of a new crazy quilt. Gather fabrics and piece all blocks. Complete at least 50% of the seamwork and several primary motifs.
3. Enter at least two CQ/quilting competitions this year. Stretch!
4. Teach a crazy quilting class either at a local fabric store or community education venue. Ulterior motive: begin building a local CQ group.
5. Attend 3 CQ retreats or gatherings. Already committed: CQ Adventure in CT (April) and CQI Retreat in CO (Sept).

7. Finish (or get rid of) at least 3 UFO’s.
8. Finish Seascape Valance. This is separate from the other 3 UFO’s. I want a d@#% valance up in my bathroom!!
9. De-stash. Use some, share some, reorganize. Get rid of the monster storage unit on wheels that is wasting so much space in the studio. (Anybody local who might want it? Bev? Colleen? Stasha? Adele?)
10. Sew a quilt for London. Hopefully, by destashing and reorganizing the studio, I can make an area for London to “play” with Grammy and her Stuff!
11. Ramp up Etsy sales presence. More potassium-permanganate dyed laces, vintage lace and trims.
12. Resell vintage fabrics, linens and collectibles on Ebay and/or find local venue (consignment shop?) Explore the possibilities and get rid of 50% of “sale-ables” by year-end. If good progress is made by May, I will give myself permission to continue scouting estate sales!!
13. Conduct a local sew-for-charity event (similar to Operation Pillowcase that we did in 2010) at Wheeler Farm.
14. Blog: Reach 250 followers and 400 posts by year-end. Have at least three giveaways and provide two tutorials.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I think I’ll stop at 14, since that is my personal lucky number. What goals do YOU have for yourselves, ladies? I would love to hear what your plans are for 2011!!
Hi Cathy, I can't keep up with you! My goals for 2010 and this year pale into insignificance compared to yours! But I always enjoy looking at your blog - thank you for sharing so much of your craft life with us your readers.
Best wishes for a very happy and healthy new year!
OMG I have to take a nap after just reading your list.... You can count visiting me as a "retreat" and when you find a Carole class I will go too....
Whew! May all your goals be achieved in 2011 and may you enter the next year with a big smile!
Happy New Year Cathy!
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