Although I did quilt one quilt top this week, I’ll save that for next week because it’s not yet bound or labeled. Instead, I’ve got some yellow scrap blocks to share.
Nine flying geese blocks ar 6.5”, unfinished:
And two Weathervane blocks in yellow and gold. These finish at 12”.
Although I’m almost done with my yellow strings, I’ll wait until next week to show them once they’re actually complete. And thank you all who commented on Bruce’s denied Veteran’s Administration benefits last week. We will likely try again in a few months, now that we’ve completed our 2024 taxes. We’re not going to hold our breath, though. With this new nightmare (the clownish Trump regime), nothing is certain.
Have a great week!
You're keeping your sunny side up, Cathy! I got all our tax info into a spreadsheet except the one big medical bill (cataracts). I called the clinic, left a message . . . and will have to call again.
Love the weathervane with the polka-dots. Great job with the yellow. Looking forward to your next post. Enjoy! ;^)
That is so awful, Cathy--after all the service rendered by our Vets. they then do that!! Hang in there sweetie.
I love your yellow weathervane blocks especially the darker golden one...sending good thoughts your way for a good outcome..
hugs, julierose
yellow blocks are good! I hope for a new outlook on the VA but it seems like all is getting worse not better
I am writing my senators and representative every week to make sure they fight for our veterans. This is just ridiculous stuff that the current administration is doing. Thank goodness for sunny yellow sewing therapy!
You're right - yellow is a good antidote to what's going on around us. Canadians are fighting back by trying very hard to only buy Canadian products but I doubt that will be enough to stop the train that's determined to make us bend to his will.
Yes indeed, yellow brought a whole lot of sunshine into your sewing room.
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