Saturday, March 22, 2025

Busy Week

Busy week. Duh. Who doesn’t have a busy week (unless they’re on vacation)? But this was an UNUSUALLY busy week, so I’m sticking with my unimaginative post title. My brain is fried. I need one of the kitties to curl up in my lap and purr. 

Darla here, at your service!

Last week started with a bang - Worldwide Quilting Day. Cousin Kim, Ruby, Ruby’s sister Cathy and I attended the festivities at the Sandy City Senior Center, a large venue that accommodates a good crowd of all ages. There were over 150 attendees, judging by the numbers on the tickets for the door prize drawings. Both Ruby and sister Cathy won some fabric prizes. Kim and I weren’t so lucky, but we definitely scored at the Give and Take tables. Actually, it was more than a few tables. It also included dozens of boxes as well as a piano and bookshelf covered in books and patterns. Oh my. It really was quite spectacular!

I remembered to snap a couple pictures later in the day after the incredible potluck lunch. The pix don’t capture the crowd well, because things were beginning to wane by then.

Looking across the room to the stage/stash area. Ruby in the foreground, talking to Kim

View from another angle. Kim in foreground, hand sewing a quilt binding.

And here are some of the scraps and pieces I scored in the Give and Take area, photographed once I got home.

The two green fabrics at the top right are larger cuts of 1.5 - 2+yards.  The rainbow and striped fabrics could make great borders or bindings for Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilts. Most of the rest were smaller pieces to flesh out my thin scrap bins. And those flamingoes!! I don’t know what I’ll do with that piece yet, but I love it so much! I may just have to keep it just to gaze upon, LOL!!

I also fell in love with this yummy Mary Englebright fabric panel. It’s got four repeats of these two squares. I’m thinking it would make two fun girl quilts in gold, blue, red and other accent colors. That pink and red checkerboard block border is screaming to be repeated in a quilt border. I’m sure wishing there were 48 hours in a sewing day!!

My sewing for the WW Quilting Day consisted of string blocks - both Nann Strings (with the black centers) and some 8.5” string blocks - a new, larger size to help me whittle down my huge bag o’ strings faster. I laid the two styles out (below) on a whim, but they’ll actually be used separately. 

On Sunday, Ruby and Kim came over to sew, as we usually do on Sundays. We call it the Church of Bernina. I sorted my scrap haul and got everything put away. 

On Monday, I had a mammogram in the morning and then HOA meetings in the afternoon. Although it was St. Patrick’s Day, it was too cold to wear my new Kelly green short-sleeved blouse. But I managed to avoid Bruce pinching me when I told him I’d had enough pinching and squeezing at my mammogram appointment to cover me for the day!!

On Tuesday I had Weight Watchers in the morning, then got to sew in the afternoon. Here are some crumb blocks I got sewn for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge’s color of the month, yellow. They measure 6.5”, unfinished. 

On Wednesday, we spent most of our time going back and forth to the DMV for Bruce. It turns out the letter revoking his license was sent automatically by their system before it could be recalled. So he could’ve been driving. But, because of the CLL diagnosis last summer, his doctor reported (in an annual letter required for amputees) that his health had declined. That meant that, by law, Bruce was required to take another written test (which he aced) and a driving test, which he failed. He had another appointment set up to re-take the test, but then that evening he said he didn’t want to take the test or even drive anymore. He is voluntarily giving up his license and will use the future scheduled appointment to get a State-issued ID card instead. Bruce said he’s just not confident behind the wheel anymore, and tends to get confused easily. I’ve noticed that, too. So I’ll support him in this personal decision. 

That means that we will sell our second car, a 2021 Nissan, once my son Shane is done borrowing it while his car is having a new transmission installed. 

On Thursday morning I helped with some HOA issues that sprang up, and the afternoon was spent blissfully playing cards with my girlfriends at the clubhouse. Boy, did I need that fun time!

Friday was just grocery shopping, food prep, and finally more sewing time!!

I finished the quilting on my Stay at Home Round Robin quilt, got it trimmed and the binding made. Today, Saturday, I’ll sew on the binding to finish it up. If it’s sunny, I’m hoping to take it outside for some glamour shots before Monday’s final reveal in the link-up next week. But for now I can show you some of the quilting I did on my DSM (domestic sewing machine - a Bernina 570). 

Inner panel; a pattern of curls and leaves.

On the row of Friendship Stars I did simple little loops.

Next came a round of fat “l” loops:

And then some basic stippling:

And finally, on the outer border I decided to do a hybrid motif of  swoops and elongated loops. 

I’m calling it a hybrid motif because I do loops al the time, but I’ve never done feathers. I thought maybe this design (which I was practicing on my pillow one night with my finger as I was trying to fall asleep) might be a good halfway point between a loop and a feather. I’m trying to work up to practicing feathers!

So, that wraps things up for this week. Next week will be slightly calmer. I hope. I hope your week is calm, too. And a good one!


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Definitely sounds as though you had an eventful week! I understand Bruce's decision because the RC made the same one in July. He, too, didn't feel safe behind the wheel so I think he did the right thing. RC is 82 so his reflexes aren't as sharp so I was relieved.
The 'Queen of Everything' made me smile - thank you.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry about Bruce - but yes if he doesn't feel like he is ok with it it is the best thing to do.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Most of your week sounds like fun-busy, with lots of good sewing to show for it! I imagine that was a hard decision for Bruce - it is very hard for any of us to give up the independence of being able to drive. Pretty quilting on your SAHRR, Cathy! I'm looking forward to the reveal parade.

Jenny said...

You did very well at the swap area, love that royal panel. As hard as it seems, Bruce has ade the right decision to give up his license. When you are no longer confident the time is right to stop driving. I don't like driving at night, and have decided that for the infrequent times I have to go out at night time locally, I will take a taxi instead.

grammajudyb said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! Yellow crumbs, new scraps, cards one afternoon. A good week, well except for the Mammo and Bruce giving up his DL. But proud of him for deciding for himself.

MissPat said...

Absolutely love the fabrics you got at the exchange. I would have chosen all of them, too. I was still traveling on WW Quilting Day. I'd taken my travel machine so I could sew with one of my quilter friends in Venice, FL, but the machine had other ideas. It clunked and made grinding noises when I set it up. It's a cheap BabyLock that is probably not worth repairing.
I admire Bruce for deciding to give up his driver's license. Such a hard choice, but the right one. And good for you for supporting his decision, even though it makes more work for you. But clearly, you have nothing else going on, do you? Hope the mammo report comes back all clear.

Chantal said...

Holly hoser, I'm tired just reading about your week. Lots of fun. I love the fabric below the flip flops. It is soooo cool! You got a great variety. I love your string blocks layout. I know you said that's not the final layout but it is inspiring nonetheless. Kudos to Bruce for taking this hard decision. Giving up our freedom of driving whenever we want is a hard thing to do. It is the right thing to do for his own safety. Looks like you had a lot of fun quilting your SAHRR. It looks great. Enjoy! ;^)

Anonymous said...

How I admire your husband for making what was probably a difficult decision about driving! Bravo, wish everyone was that brave and self-perceptive.


Momma Bear said...

Dealing with the DMV at any time is crazy making let alone having to go back and forth but Good on Bruce for making the decision to not renew, that one is a difficult but brave one!
I am about to become the secretary of my quilt guild this coming month, a big step forward for me, I also got my business licence and will be longarming for people in the guild as well as finishing out the studio build, so..Life, I guess?
though I feel it's better to be busy than doom-scrolling, so einy-meiny......

Nann said...

What a week! How does the "give and take" work? (Did they count what you gave and what you took?) Will PM re: Bruce....