Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sewing and Remembering What I Forgot

I’m confessing. Last week I forgot to post some blocks that I’d sewn. My whole post last week revolved around working on things “behind the scenes” and not having much to show for it. But I DID have some blocks to show. I just forgot about them! The four blocks were right up on my design wall, waiting for a photo op that never came - until this week. 

So, may I introduce you to three Color Sticks blocks, the last of these necessary to finish a 35-block quilt top when they’re sewn together. 

It would be nice if I pinned the blocks up uniformly, wouldn’t it? That bottom one really is even, I promise. Maybe I messed up the pressing? I was taking pictures hurriedly during commercial breaks in the World Series Game 1. Yay Dodgers!! Anyway, the quilt will be sent to Cynthia Brunz at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for her charity when I get them sewn together.
And the final Scrappy Stars block was completed (fourth block done last week). I’m really looking forward to getting some of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) blocks sewn into tops beginning in November. 

I’ve also been working on those black-and-bright scraps. This little quilt top was the result of pairing the rail blocks with solids. I’m not enamored with it, but I used colors I had sufficient amounts of, so it’s good enough.

I’ll take it to Quilts for Kids today - we have a workshop this morning - and probably baste, quilt and bind it there for donation. I’d love to just start donating tops, but I’m one of the few members in our chapter who is willing to quilt their own quilts. So even though it’s tougher for me to do that in my cramped sewing room, I can make do - or quilt it at a workshop.  This top is 40x50”.

The colorful four-patches are all sewn, and I’ll use all 40 of them in a top with some solid purple alternating blocks. Here are the first four (of ten) rows pinned up on the design board. 

I’ll be working on this one too later this morning at our workshop. 

Bruce and I have begun taking daily walks around the condo community and even venturing farther afield in the neighboring streets and general area. The weather has been lovely, although it has become much cooler. The colors are glorious and the skies have been deep crystal blue. I keep forgetting to whip out my phone to take pictures, being more interested in getting my step count with the phone in my back pocket! It’s been a wonderful week with lots of free time to spend - a nice change. Next week promises more of the same, so I may even do some batch cooking to stockpile some pre-cooked meals for winter. But then, I may decide not to ruin a perfectly good week with too much cooking, ya know? 🤣

Life is good. 


  1. Little by little, things get done! I like your bright and happy solids with the black prints. And a kid is going to love it!

  2. so happy to hear that things have simmered down for you and you have time to relax, walk, and SEW!!! ;)))) Neat blocks you're working on. I am having fun re-visiting my Pink Ojos as I
    I hand quilt them...I just love seeing all those fabric strips as I go...

    It's raining leaves here on this sunny, mild day--63 degrees and clear skies. The winds of yesterday have died down which is a good thing for the fellows fighting all of our wildfires here in the State. They seem to be popping up everywhere; no info on how they are starting--scarey!! Take care and enjoy this season...hugs, Julierose

  3. Nice scrappy sewing, Cathy! Glad to hear that weather has been nice enough for neighborhood walks. Enjoy your less busy weeks (because soon enough you'll be run ragged again!)

  4. The black and brights rail fence quilt is awesome. It’s pleasing to look at from afar and it’s way fun to see all the fabrics up close. I’m glad you are taking strolls around the neighborhood . You must be good to yourself! Our fall has been fabulous too. The winter and S - - - will come. Then we can stay in a sew !

  5. The blue sky on these days of "100% sun" (as the meteorologists say) -- astounding! And how it gets lighter/whiter at the horizon.....Meanwhile, the color contrast between that sort of turquoise and the red -- WOW! Looks electric. Happy autumn walking. Happy sewing!


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