Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sewing for Sanity

Hey, isn’t one’s sanity a top “charity” goal we sewists have? It sure has been for me lately! 

This week I finished up my aqua and turquoise and teal color blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Once all my primary blocks for the month are done, I turn my focus to working on coin columns and crumb blocks. I only needed four more aqua blocks to fill out the 11-block column of crumbs I’ll make into a column quilt at the end of the year. I also sewed strips and chunks together to make an approximately 4” wide column that will join the other colored columns later. Two separate column quilts. 

Not exactly exciting stuff, but they’ll be fun and colorful when they join their friends. 

My big accomplishment for the week was quilting the Anne of Green Gables quilt. Here are a couple sneak peeks. Obviously, it still needs binding. 

I’ll get it bound this weekend with that dark purple fabric in the outer border. And then hopefully Ruby and I can get some glamour shots of it before I gift it on Tuesday. I’ll show finished pictures next week.

But for this week, I have been working on HOA stuff way too much while simultaneously trying to get the kitchen packed up for Monday’s tear out / demolition. We’re also trying to pack a couple boxes of stuff we can use during the six weeks of no kitchen. The refrigerator will move to the living room and the pantry will remain untouched (except for painting when the time comes). We will keep our microwave, coffee pot and toaster and some paper plates and plastic utensils out and set up the table to function as a counter and dining space once the dust clears. The demo will include removing the carpet, so we’ll be living on just the subfloor until the new flooring is installed a couple weeks after that. 

Today I’m pre-cooking some pork loins and taco meat for quick meal prep that we’ll be able to do in the coming weeks. We’re going to try yo limit eating out to 2 nights per week, and we know just where the healthy and relatively affordable meals can be found. Once per week it will be fast food and once per week it will be a restaurant. Yes, there is healthy fast food - have you ever had Chick-Fil-A’s chicken wrap? Or Noodles & Company’s Chicken Caesar salad or … 

Are you ready for some scary photos? I haven’t shown these before. They are the “before” pictures of our kitchen and family room. They’re from when we first moved in 4 months ago, but much of the stuff was never unpacked. It looks just as horrible and forlorn today. But with the demolition and construction in the coming weeks, it’s going to look even worse before it gets better. But it will get better - I have to keep reminding myself. 

First of the BEFORE pictures. Everything from the beam back to the wall will be ripped out, except the windows, of course.  The cabinets were of excellent quality when they were installed in the 1980 (I almost typed “1890”) original build. But they’re very dated and very worn up close. Oh, and yes - we have a fourth matching chair for the dinette set - it was just in another room for some reason. The set opens up (with a leaf that rises up from beneath) and will be used as a table/counter during the construction process. Then the set will go to Cousin Kim. 

The picture below shows the odd configuration of the upper cabinets. I will NOT miss those! The new refrigerator will go there eventually. 

And these recessed fluorescent lights? Gone, baby, gone! This will be sheetrocked, painted and replaced with 6-7 can lights. The new cabinets will go all the way up to the ceiling with no dust-catching gaps.

The stove is fairly new and will be kept, but the hood fan will be replaced. 

The pic below is just another angle. But the peninsula will be ripped out and replaced with a large island that will jut out into the dining area. Oh, and that dishwasher is prehistoric and will be replaced by a stainless steel Bosch. 

The view below is looking from the kitchen out into the dining/family room area. That beige carpeting - again, original to the 1980 build - will be replaced with vinyl plank flooring that looks and feels like hardwood. It will extend throughout the kitchen and family room and down the L-shaped hallway. Cat owners (inevitable hairballs) will understand and appreciate that!

Last view: looking from inside the kitchen work area, out. That’s an old, unworking trash compactor in the kitchen peninsula. What a colossal waste of space! The upper cabinets there will be repurposed to the garage. That new area will see the “desk” area raised to counter height and flipped. We’ll have floating maple shelves on the wall to house my cookie jar and Pyrex collection. 

That potted poinsettia is now living out in the courtyard during the spring, summer and fall. It’s currently very lush and green. It will come back indoors as the fall weather cools. Here’s hoping the cats will leave it alone! 

I suffered my first-ever migraine this week, complete with aura, flashing lights, light sensitivity, yadda yadda. Thought I was dying of a brain tumor or something (haha) until the doctor’s diagnosis put all the puzzle pieces together. It seems to be mostly passed now, with just some residual eye twitching. Likely stress-induced. Stress? I can’t imagine what is causing that (she said sarcastically).  But life goes on….. 

Have a good week, my friends!


  1. Definitely an 80's look in there! LOL Can't wait to see the lovely AFTER photos when all the stress is over. Take care of yourself! Once they start working, it's all out of your hands, so relax & no more migraines!!!!!! Love your aquas!

  2. That migraine definitely sounds stress- induced! Hope things get better from here on out. It will be so fun (for us) to see the end result! One of my favorite things we did in our last kitchen remodel was put in cabinets that went all the way to the ceiling - so much better than having that empty, dust-catching space. Your Anne of Green Gables quilt is lovely! It's going to be loved!

  3. Oh my! You have an interesting future few weeks! We lived on subfloors twice. It’s doable. Other than washing dishes in the bathroom? Or maybe you have a nice sink in the laundry. Whichever or none of the above, it will all be worth it! I keep thinking about a column quilt! Maybe in my future….if I ever get all my RSC blocks into quilts! *Sigh*

  4. Maybe you should have waited to get on the condo board until after the remodel. OTH maybe it will provide a necessary distraction. Another idea for alternative cooking methods would be to buy a portable induction cooktop. But, it's summer, so salads and sandwiches are also fine.

  5. It will be worth the disruption! Don't let the stress get to your head. I lived with migraine for many years, so glad I "outgrew" them.

  6. OOOH, Poor baby! I haven't gotten a migraine since I started having regular Massages. I used to get them all the time but I divorced most of the cause. Massages work really well. When your stressed your muscles in and around your neck, upper back and shoulders tense, whether you notice it or not, hence the headaches.
    Oh dear god you have my sink! I recognize that metal ring, that catches water and dumps it underneath to the storage below. I went and calked that shut myself as it was never been done or had waited till my arrival to disintegrate. We are still dealing with the off cream carpet that came with the house 33 years ago. *sigh*
    I thought when the kids left home, I might get a new one but no, hairballs being a factor. It's not that DDH is cheep, it's that he likes to use it till it's good and dead and then save the parts for later. I'm working on him.......

  7. My Aqua Sewing is basically the same as yours: not much to show. But Anne of the Green Gables is awesome! Congrats on getting the quilting all done. Kitchen renovation's must be the most daunting task ever! Just concentrate on the end result whenever something not-as-expected shows up, because every renovation has a what-the-heck-is-this moment. For the migraines, what worked best for me was a very cold cloth at the back of my neck high up, almost ear level, and dark rooms for a few minutes. I hope it was the first and the last one for you. Enjoy! ;^)

  8. Glad you found a little time to sew some AQUA scraps, Cathy! Best of luck with the upcoming kitchen renovation.

  9. Thanks for the before photos -- I'll come back to compare with the renovations! And, yes, what a weird cabinet. (We have a triangle corner cabinet but that's because it turns the bend.) Hope the migraine is an aberration.


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