Friday, July 26, 2024

Chamber of Chaos, Week One

I’ve dubbed our former and (soon to be again) kitchen the “Chamber of Chaos”. Want to see why? (Are you sitting down? It’s not pretty, I warn you…)

Looking east; stove wall

I guess it never looks good when you tear out cabinets and appliances and layers of flooring in a 40-year-old kitchen. At lunchtime on the first day, they had all the cabinets out. That’s when I took these three pictures of the demolition progress. By the end of the day, all the flooring was gone too. 

Looking southwest into the family room and hall

It’s all just subfloor now. And whew! It gets so dirty and dusty in here. I’m sure we’re tracking stuff all over the house, although we use special old shoes in this area and change to clean sandals or slippers when we move into other areas. 

Looking NW at dining room/family room corner

In the days following these pictures, all the new ceiling can lights and the new electrical panel were installed. The pendant light fixtures are among the last things to be hung once we near the end of the process. We also had the plumbing roughed in this week. Next week they will frame and drywall the ceiling where those recessed fluorescents were and patch all the other holes and gaps caused by running new electrical wires and plumbing… you know, making it all nice in prep for flooring and painting down the road. 

We’re managing just fine meal-wise. For dinner we’ve had barbecued chicken sandwiches, ham sandwiches, meatloaf with vegetables and rolls, and we went out once. Tonight we’re going out again with family, and it will be a nice change. But can I just say again, what a filthy mess!!


I had finished my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for Aqua July, but I realized that I’d never shown my Aqua/turquoise string blocks. So I do have something to share - 18 blocks that will finish at 6”. No plans yet for these string blocks. 

I also finished the binding on the Anne of Green Gables quilt this week. Let me show you the “glamour” shots - such as they are - of the finished quilt. I believe the finished measurements were 65x78”.  

The quilting, done on my Bernina 570QE (a domestic machine), was a series of loops and swirly hooks.

The story behind the quilt is in THIS blog post. 

The backing fabric was a lovely medium purple (I’m sure there’s a more precise name for it) floral. Plummy. Yeah, that sounds about right. 

The best part was giving it to my friend Ann on Tuesday after our Weight Watchers meeting. She loved it, and several of our friends gathered around and oooh’ed and aaah’ed. (Non-quilters are easily impressed, aren’t they?) hehehe. I got a couple great hugs out of it! 

The rest of my sewing week consisted of sewing letters on some identifying safety vests for my team of community landscape captains. Here is what *that* hot mess looks like.

There are twelve vests, each with the letters VSE. That stands for Vine Street East, the name of our condominium community. We felt it would be wise to have identifying garments of some kind as we go walking through front yards, which are common areas (not individual, private courtyards). 

Anyway, each black cotton letter was interfaced (stabilized) before sewing them on. I hope to get them done this weekend so that I can baste up some more quilts next week. 

I’ll leave you with a cute meme. I shared it a couple years ago, but I love it and always think of it when we have a miserably hot spell in the summer….

Have a lovely week, friends. 


  1. WOW--that is so hard to go through, Cathy--we did the same when we first came to this house! But, the final results will make you forget all this stuff I am sure;)))
    I love those Aqua Strings--so fresh and clean looking a color isn't it? I just love string blocks [as you know;)))]. Nice work on Anne of GG--great quilting--I am not so good with any other quilting but straight line and maybe a little simple curvey line...
    Take care --hugs, Julierose

  2. It's so good to get started on these house remodel projects because that means you are that much closer to getting it finished! Those string blocks in aqua are pretty as can be - I just love those colors. The Anne of Green Gables quilt is lovely, too. Hot over on this side of the mountains, too - just hot some days and really hot the others, lol!

  3. They've made some real progress on the kitchen. Here's hoping there are no snags along the way that bring everything to a screeching halt. That's a pretty good size quilt to wrangle through a domestic machine. I bet you're glad to have that one done.

  4. Except for the “filthy mess” part, I’m a tiny bit jealous! I would love a kitchen remodel! Don’t think it will happen. Mr. Busy says, “ leave it for the next owners! They can do it how they want it!” Your string blocks are looking good. Of course, everyone loved the Anne of GG quilts. It’s gorgeous!❤️

  5. I know it seems like a super mess, but it seems impressive how much work they've gotten done already! It will be finished before you know it! Love the strings (as always) & the Anne quilt is super pretty!

  6. Some awesome finishes in spite of living in the midst of a remodel. In our previous house we did a total gut and remodel of our kitchen. I remember the mess, but loved the results. Then less than 2 years later we moved again. LOL

  7. Oh, yes, I remember: the archaeology of wall and subfloor removal. And finding alternate ways to make coffee and wash dishes. Sort of like planning for a camping trip that will last a month..........But you can sew! And the turquoise blocks are a cool delight for these HOT days. Your Anne quilt is lovely. Purple and green are such a great colorway.

  8. That's an awful lot of aqua! I'm so glad she liked it! There is always the worry that they won't like your work, when you give a project back, whether it is a customer or a gift. Is that just me?

  9. We got to this same point in our kitchen remodel and discovered a bunch of wire in the former soffits above the cupboards. There was an alarm system in the house we'd never done anything with and it all had to come out- plus a new electric panel was needed. And the unexpected 3 layers of linoleum!! So our kitchen looked like yours for at least an extra week. But you will really have something lovely when it's all back together.
    Love those aqua strings- my current favorite color!

  10. Hold onto the thought of the reno being done and how nice it will look when it all comes together. We lived through a kitchen reno in our previous house (a bathroom one too, come to think of it) but ours wasn't as extensive. We replaced the flooring ourselves and didn't need to change any lighting. I remember our kitchen designer thinking I was nuts when I requested that they put a shallow drawer beneath one of the cabinets (rather than the kick plate) but it was perfect for storing cookie sheets. After they did it for us, they ended up adding it to several more of the kitchens they did.
    I love the Anne of Green Gables quilt - the colours are so soothing and I'm sure your friend was really happy.


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