Friday, November 15, 2019

Quick Update

I had hoped to do a quick, pre-surgery update post on my quilting projects before going in for carpal tunnel surgery (both hands) on Thursday. But Wednesday was sewing day here with Cousin Kim, Bonnae and new friend Shanna. It was a busy, chatty day and by the time dinner rolled around, it was all I could do to get the final preparations done for Bruce to handle things around here post-surgery.

The carpal tunnel surgery was routine and we were home by 11:00 a.m.  Having gotten to the surgical center at O'dark thirty, it wasn't surprising that I had a piece of toast when we got home and then took a 3-hour nap. I've been following doctors orders by keeping my hands iced and elevated, and the surgical numbness is mostly gone and there has been no swelling. There's a bit of pain (more of a dull ache), but it's a piece of cake compared to what the pre-surgery pain was. We took off the gauze and ace wraps yesterday afternoon, and under them on both hands are the water-tight bandages covering the wrist where the arthroscopic incisions were made. I can shower with these with no problem. I go back the day before Thanksgiving to have the stitches out. In the meantime, I can't lift anything heavier  than a couple pounds. I think I'll be able to start sewing this weekend, but using the rotary cutter is probably out for a week or two.

So, let me show you what I got accomplished between last week's post and Wednesday, before surgery.

Not much to see here. This simple blue, navy and green quilt is for the grand-kittens. It's pinned on the design board over another quilt, so just ignore that pink. I will be sewing up a backing for this later in the month and then probably spray basting and quilting it. At least, that's the plan.

Next up are four blocks I made for this month's Covered in Love drive.

And I managed to add a border to this quilt top that I found at the estate sale last month. Then I basted and quilted it. I'll have to have Cousin Kim trim it for me when she's over on Sunday!

I quilted it with light pink thread in a blowsy floral design. 

Once the batting is trimmed away and the backing is trimmed down to a 1" border around it, I can sew the all-in-one binding over and attach a label. This will be my OMG (One Monthly Goal) for November, so it's looking likely that it'll be done easily by month-end.

Finally, I stitched up my blocks for Step #3 of the Seeing Stars sew-along at Butterfly Threads Quilting. This month's blocks (8 for me) were simple hourglass 6" blocks.

And here are all the blocks together so far. We will have larger blocks coming, and rectangular blocks of flying geese and checkerboards coming as well. Those lighter greens don't photograph well, but they do look nicer in real life.

I've got several easy sewing projects lined up for this week, beginning in a day or two when I start feeling like myself again. Yesterday and today were dedicated solely to rest and recovery and being lazy; napping, watching movies, reading, taking care of my hands, and getting lots of loving from Bruce and the kitties. Darla has been by my side consistently for two days.

I'll link up to Scrappy Saturday when I get back from my Block of the Month Club on Saturday morning.


  1. So glad to hear it's over and you're well on the road to recovery. Just take it easy and don't try to rush into things. In other words, lap up all the loving being lavished on you by Bruce and Darla.

  2. Happy that all went well for you--be sure to give yourself enough healing time...
    I really like the colors in your "Seeing Stars" soft and Springlike (good for the soul as it is windy and very cold here this morning)
    Get better soon...hugs, Julierose

  3. Glad to hear things are sailing smoothly so far! Take care and consider yourself hugged!

  4. I know how hard it must be for you to "take it easy", but it's still the best advice I can give. Yes,save the rotary cutting for a while. No sense undoing surgical repair before you're fully healed. You'll catch up in no time. I forgot the squares for the hourglass blocks would make 2 of each color combo so I wound up with twice the number I needed. Guess that's how a block orphanage gets started.

  5. Glad your surgery went well. Your process was different than mine. I never had waterproof bandages. Anyway, I am pretty much back to normal with no limitations on what I can do, except just a little if I lift something just a little too heavy. I hand stitched the binding on Corey Jr's quilt so I would say I'm all good.
    Have a great weekend. Hope all is good with Bruce.
    xx, Carol

  6. This is such good news! I'm so glad your surgery went well and that you'll be able to sew fairly soon. Meanwhile, your pre-surgery projects are a nice variety of pieces to come back to :)

  7. Glad to hear you're doing well, Cathy! You got a lot done before the surgery! Cute cat food fabric - perfect for the grand-cats. And I agree with Julierose - your sweet springlike colors in the other projects are good for the soul!

  8. I, too, send best wishes about your surgery, I haven’t had carpal tunnel diagnosed, but I do have pain when doing binding or cutting! I’m afraid !
    I made blocks for CiL too! Mine are so different from yours, and yet Kat and her helpers will work their magic and there will beautiful quilts when all the blocks are together,

  9. You got a LOT accomplished pre-surgery, Cathy!! Best of luck to Bruce on "handling things" while you are "down and out."

  10. Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery, we really can't get along without our hands, can we. Love your pink and green estate find quilt, lovely soft colours. And I have to ask, making a quilt for the grand kittens?

  11. Oooh, I hope you are healing up well and not having more pain. I love your pink "rescue" quilt! I had some of those same fabrics and loved them. Take care of yourself!

  12. Glad to hear the surgery wasn't too bad and that you and the family are taking good care of you. Looks like a fun sew-a-long and I love the floral quilt that you brought back to life. Here's to speedy healing!

  13. Cathy, I read this post with great interest as I have twinges in my hands from time to time. It sounds like you had a wonderful result from the surgery and will be pain free sewing in no time. Wonderful! And what pretty quilting you have “ on the go”.


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