This month I completed only one teal Dresden block. Then there were the 12 double pinwheels, the 10 sixteen-patch blocks with black and white centers. Can’t forget the Mama Teal cat and her 12 kittens; those 13 blocks were sewn into one litter. And finally, with the remaining scraps of teal fabrics, HSTs and flying geese that have accumulated over the year, I sewed 13 improv blocks that will finish at 8”.
That was a total of 49 teal blocks, a respectable number. Now, with six months of RSC sewing done, I have a total of 12 Dresdens (probably will be 19” blocks made into 1-2 quilts), 8 kitten litters (2 pink and 2 red left, then the 2 quilts will be assembled), 58 rail fence blocks from vintage sheets (none done this month), 74 8” improv blocks and 60 16-patch blocks (8” each). Those improv blocks or 16-patch blocks may be divided into two color stories to make 2 quilts each, depending on how many I end up with after we’ve made through all the colors.
So all my sewing this week related to my Aria quilt. The larger squares start at 5” and are 4.5" when sewn. The sashing is 1”, and the green/blue rows are 2.5x5” (half a charm square) pieces sewn together on end. I am pleased with how it’s going, but I had hoped to be farther along by now.
At least all the rows are sewn together; so now it’s just a matter of sashing and connecting the rows.
And cutting more 1.5” strips because I’ve already used up a whole jelly roll of them.....
Now I don’t think I will be able to finish this by month-end. So, since it is going to finish in the neighborhood of 86x105” when the sashing and borders are done, I think I’ll get it professionally quilted instead of wrestling with it myself. Then I can go on to new things.
And speaking of new things, Angela will be announcing the new July RSC color soon. But in the meantime, why not join us over at So Scrappy to check out everyone’s teal progress?
Have a lovely weekend!

So many teal blocks! What a beautiful collection. Best of luck on finishing the quilt soon. Getting it quilted will make it easier to move on to other projects. Sounds like a great option for a quilt of that size.
FORTY-NINE blocks?!?! Nice work.
Sewing those kitten paws in place sure is a great way to keep them from running all over. And its amazing to see your month's haul of teal.
Such a treat to see all your teal blocks together! The Aria quilt is coming along nicely!
I really like the blue rows on the Aria quilt, a nice contrast with the warm charms, congrats on your progress this month.
I love watching your progress on ANY project you are working on. I especially like the ARIA quilt. I need to develop an eye for fabric. The little patterns in the fabric get in my way of looking at the big picture..actually seeing the overall color. I'm so used to working in solids.
xx, Carol
teal totaling... bwaaahahahaha
Great colors. I could spend a year on turquoise...LeeAnna
Beautiful blocks! You had a really successful month.
What a great collection of teal blocks! Yup, I'd have a quilt that size professionally quilted too. Much easier on the nerves even if it is a strain on the pocketbook.
So fun to see all of your teal blocks - they are so pretty! The Aria quilt is going to be beautiful, too! I love those colors together!
Only one teal dresden? You're falling down on the job! Seriously - there's a pretty impressive lot of stitching once again.
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