I don’t know why this week passed by so quickly, but it just blew me away. I missed sewing for several days because of Mother’s Day, errands/yardwork and eye appointments - my new eyeglasses should be here in another week. Oh, and then we had new windows installed, so there were wood blinds to take down, new windows to wash and then blinds to put back up. It’s always something, isn’t it?? Excuses, excuses.
But I DID get some sewing done. In fact, my Dresdens are done, although they are not yet appliquéd to their blocks or the center work done. But that is the work of a couple hours and they will be ready to share next week.
This week, I did my Rainbow Sampler flying geese blocks. The block for May is a 3.5 x 6.5” flying goose. I chose to do two together, making it a 6.5x6.5” block, so I made 12 of those.
Above you can see them as complete blocks, but just up on the design wall to snap an easy picture. Below they are all sewn together in their column. I chose to alternate pairs of light geese/dark sky with dark geese/light sky. I also thought it would add interest to change the directionality, so I played a bit and settled on this. No pointing down; it just looked odd, IMHO. So it’s right, up, left, up, etc.
I should also note that a lot of time this week was spent sewing, pressing and squaring up an endless number of half square triangles. Tomorrow I'll begin my 16-patch and improv blocks, so it will be nice to have the HSTs at the ready. I have so many green scraps, I really don’t know what to do! I’m not sure they’ll go back into the smallish drawer from which they came. Even though I’ve used A LOT, I did add all the green leftovers from my Splendid Sampler fabric pull.
I have decided to stop participating in the Splendid Sampler because I am really not enjoying it all that much. One of the blocks I needed to catch up on would have had (for a 6.5” block) 45 pieces!! That was the final straw for me. I am just not into it. So, here is a rough layout of what I have so far, interspersed with some scrappy pink blocks:
I’ve decided to add one more row to the bottom, and it will contain 3 plain pink blocks and 4 pieced blocks. I will do a kitten, some flying geese, and two others. With 1” white sashing and a 3” print border around, it will come out to 56”x63”, a nice smallish lap quilt for a girl. Once it's a top, I can put it away until a specific occasion warrants finishing it.
Both Alfie (my supervisor) and I agreed this would be the best course of action. He also pointed out that I need to replace the center blue circle in the middle block on the very right column. It was supposed to look like Earth, but it doesn’t. So it will be replaced with one of the cutesy pink prints in the quilt.
"Mommy, I need some scratching!" |
On Memorial Day weekend I’m flying to Seattle to visit my daughter, so I would like to get all my green scrap sewing done by next week. Yeah, I know. In. My. Dreams.
Once again I am linking up to the
Rainbow Scrap Challenge over at So Scrappy. I always look forward to seeing all the lovely things the ladies are working on - such a great, supportive group. Why not check it out?