I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over the list I have prepared for myself of Things to Finish for the fourth quarter of this year. But Adrianne has encouraged us by reminding us that there is no punishment for not finishing them! It is just a guideline or roadmap. So, maybe if I list more I will be more productive. Last quarter I had 5 goals and finished 3 of them. In my own defense, however, I had several other finishes that were not on my list. PLUS one of the projects was was totally written off and given away as an orphan for someone else to love.
But, my creative juices are flowing, and I am nearing the end of completing the two major quilts that I have been working on for the majority of the year. So, without further ado, here we go.

Black needlepoint and crazy patch quilt. OK, I saw you roll your eyes! Yes, it has been on my list all year. Every. Single. Quarter. But I will tell you why I am going to finish it this quarter. Because I have a deadline. And no excuses (like “it’s summer - too hot to work on black and wool!"). The stitching is done and the top is sewn together. The batting and back are all ready to go. A couple hours and it could be done. And so it will be, before the weather turns and I lose all opportunity of taking decent pictures outdoors.

Rainbow Orbs.
I love this baby. It has been an all-year project working with Angela and her
Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2015. The top is all pieced and mostly sewn together. The picture at the left shows exactly half of the top. The bump under the dark green patch is Darla. Alfalfa is on the nightstand watching her. The quilt is made up of 30 - 16” blocks. If it were just a matter of adding a plain backing, quilting and binding, I could finish it next week. But, I am adding a fancy back to make it reversible, and that backing is complicated. It is a Hoffman digital cityscape print (see
HERE) and there will be quite a bit of piecing around it to create a gradient of color. I have not yet decided if I should piece those colors in squares, rectangles or crazy-patch. Regardless, it is still just a part of this one project.
Pillow Shams for Rainbow Orbs Quilt. We have two large Euro-shams that I will cover with one giant orb each. Bruce has requested red (his favorite color) and mine will be orange and pink, bright. These are separate from my quilt, and therefore I am counting them as such. :-)
Scrappy Farmgirl Pincushions |
Scrappy Pincushions. These were on my list last time, and I have sewn on them. The problem is I have to put them away for our weekly sewing circle (with my cousins) because the pincushions are for them. Then I forget to take them out..... excuses, excuses. One good hour and they would be sewn, stuffed and embellished.

Helen’s Garden Quilt. This is another carryover from my last quarter’s list. And I have changed the pattern that I am using for it. the prints are so large that I wanted a pattern that would show them off better. And I want to finish it this quarter, because the only quilt I have for me to snuggle with in the living room is a Christmas Quilt. That is fine for this quarter, but I don’t want to go another year without some variety! I LOVE this line by Tamara Kate (called Helen`s Garden, after her mother) because my mother was a Helen, too. And that dragonfly print!!!! It will be a happy quilt.

Six Zip Pouches.
I love zip pouches. They are easy, versatile and so useful. I have already made five of them since Labor Day. Two were sent off to my daughter in Seattle (no picture) and the other three finished ones are in the right part of the picture at right. But I have AT LEAST six more to make, so this one list item is for six pouches. Those pincushions above? They are going to be gifted in the zip pouches along with some other goodies, so those are 4 of the six right there. Isn’t that bird fabric cute? It was a sample from Spoonflower, and that one will be for me. The baseball ones are for guys in the family. We have found the zip pouches to be a handy way to carry along chargers and cords for phones, iPads, tablets, etc when we travel.

The Farm Girl Quiltalong by Lori Holt started in May and just recently wrapped up (although we are going to keep going on other Farm Girl stitchy pursuits). I need 49 12” blocks to finish my quilt, and currently have 45 done. I will show my latest blocks in a separate posts. The final blocks I will do are: bumblebee, hand mixer, another apple or two, and ??. Anyway. These will be sashed, with cornerstones, which has me doubting my sanity. But there is a first time for everything, and the point of this quilt (besides being fun and making a bed-sized quilt) is to grow and learn.
FARM GIRL PILLOW SHAMS. Since this will also be a bed quilt, we will once again have pillow shams to consider. This time, they are long (picture king pillows), although I do not have the exact measurements handy. Bruce wants a tractor, and Lori Holt has a great tractor pattern that will fit. My sham will consist of 2 - 12” blocks; a house and a flower.
Are you still with me??
Doll Dress-up Play Pad and clothes.

There is some cute fabric out there by Dear Stella called Dress Me Up. Check out the tutorial for a cute play mat (quilted fabric) and clothes
here. As you can see in the picture, I have made one set of these already. I originally bought enough to make 4 sets, but two sets are going to the young sewers in the family to make as gifts, so the last one, which is my goal #8, is for my granddaughter London. And the fabric on the back will be a lovely pink floral from my stash called, oddly enough, London, by Dena Designs.

Aria bed quilt.
This is a line of fabric from earlier this year called Aria by Benartex (not the blue one). I am in love with it. (PSA: another line of fabric named Aria by Kate Spain will be coming out next year). The pattern will feature big blocks of the multi-colored paisley print, and my plan is for the broken sashing (which is shown in the pattern in white) to instead be done in orange and teal. that may change if it looks bad, but we will see. This should be an easy cut and sew once I get started.

Lighted Christmas Tree Wall Hanging.
This is a kit I purchased last year from Missouri Star Quilt Company and should be a fairly easy sew. Naturally, I would like this one done by the end of November so I can hang it in December. I have everything laid out and ready to quilt, which is the first step (unless one adds to it). But this will be hung on an interior door, so I don’t want it too wide.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So, that’s it. Ten items on my list. Ten doesn’t seem like a very high number, but there is a lot of work involved in each one. Truthfully, I will be pleased if I get 6 or more done. And now, I am off to get working on one of them.......
Linking up to Adrianne’s blog, On the Windy Side, where we are all setting out our goals for the
4th Quarter Finish-Along.
Until next time,