I arrived in Omaha on Thursday the 9th. Donna Johnson, my friend and roomie, picked me up at the airport. We've roomed together many times before at the Retreat, the John Campbell School, and even at a "slumber party" we had once when she visited Salt Lake City. We were given a room on the 6th floor of the Doubletree Hotel, which is where all the Retreat classrooms were and where the vendors were assigned. We both were selling goodies (out of our rooms, which is how it's done there). Donna had lovely dyed lace, painted (inked) buttons and charms (which sold out quickly), beads and embossed velvets. I had vintage lace, golden laces (dyed with potassium permanganate), fabric packs and specialty fabric/trim themed packs. We did quite well, and were grateful to Dominic, the hotel's event coordinator, for setting us up with quite a table to sell from in our room! It was a bar set-up table with two levels, and the tall level was PERFECT for measuring laces & ribbons, as well as writing up sales slips.
On Thursday night was Show & Tell, and we got to see so many amazing works of art by the attendees, as well as many of the items that were going to be auctioned off on Saturday. Here are a few of the pieces.

On Friday, my class was a "silk texturing" class, which I thought, as a crazy quilter, was fabric manipulation. Wrong! Maybe next time I'll read the description and between the lines too. It meant hand sewing and "scouring" and rinsing and dyeing. Rather like tye-die, only upscale, with silk. Definitely NOT my cup of tea.... The well-renowned and talented instructor tantalized us with some samples of his work:

And this was my result (pathetic, but not unlike the others' results):

Now, you members of the Crazy Quilt International Yahoo group know that I valiantly vowed to keep an eye on our resident troublemaker, Connie. <*wink*> So, here she is, "stirring up the pot" in class. She's showing her lovely purse (from our CQI Purse Contest) to a group of admiring ladies. See what I mean? She's "trouble" with a capital T.

I love your detailed description of the retreat. Can't wait for Saturday and Sunday installments!
What??? No close ups of the "trouble-maker's" fabulous CQ purse? I wanted to see that! LOL!
That sounds like a fabulous retreat! Thanks for sharing! :)
Hi,Cathy...Beautyful pictures of your retreat,(wish I was there)(LOL)
I am so envious of you.As far as I know,there is nothing like this here. It is nice to read about the activities.Waiting for Saturday and Sunday for more pictures.
Hello Cathy, Lovely report. I can see you was having a blast!! Love the CQ's you showed. Very pretty indeed. I look forward to reading Part 2. Hugs Judy
Thank you for not showing pics of the "fashion show", although I'm sure they're out there somewhere! And it WAS a fun weekend (as always)! Mom and I are already excited to see everybody next year.
I was only a "little" trouble -- I can assure you that if votes were taken, Cathy would reign supreme as the chief troublemaker!!!
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