Every year for three Saturdays in October, we hold our Scarecrow Masquerade. Although the farm is open year-round from dawn to dusk, the fall season and farm events are always favorites for crowds, especially families with young children.

One of the attractions to the farm this fall, besides the pumpkins, is the new baby piglets. Momma had 13 piglets originally, but (and this is not uncommon in nature), laid on and smothered three of them not long after birth (unaware she was doing so).

Below is the Activity Barn (built only about 20 years ago) that houses the Farm office. It's also used for, well, Activities, such as wedding receptions, boutiques, and other groups that we rent out to.

Here is a scarecrow family (note mother and baby on the right) that some of the farm workers made in early October:

Let's go for a wagon ride!! This is how we give tours of the 75-acre farm.

Visiting the chicken coops. During Summer Camp, the kids get to help the farmers gather eggs. And every evening (year-round) kids and adults can come and help milk the cows.