Friday, February 14, 2025

Running Hot, Cold and In Circles

This week I have a cool blue quilt finish that hasn’t been shared here before, the weekly progress on my hot-colored quilt top for the Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR), and some news (read: whining) about the beginning of the seasonal onslaught of HOA work. 

Let’s start with the blues. No, I’m not going to sing for you. You’re welcome. Blue is the February color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This week I completed the string blocks - 60 of them. Four groups of 15 for Quilts for Kids; the “cools” referred to in the blog title

The blocks are 6.5” square. I love making string blocks, and there is more of that planned for later in the month.

This week I also finished a quilt from scraps I obtained last year. At the 2024 World Wide Quilt Day festivities held here in the Salt Lake Valley at the Sandy Senior Center, they were distributing quilt “kits” made of miscellaneous scraps that were semi-color-coordinated. You had to sign up to take a kit and every kit had a number. They retained a picture of the scraps so that they could verify that you used most of the scraps. We were also free to add our own scraps. The challenge was to use the scraps in a quilt, of any design, and ultimately donate it to charity. Easy Peasy. I do that all the time with my scraps and Quilts for Kids. 

But. (You knew that was coming, eh?). The kit looked charming on the outside, but some of the pieces were totally gag-worthy. Also, two long strips I was given had the selvage edge and little holes (you know, from the reels during the printing process) along the length of them. After trimming that off, about half the length was unusable for a 3.5” width, the minimum piece size I needed. (Clear as mud?) but I included it, along with a couple questionable gray pieces and teal pieces. I added the white and the navy. Here’s what I can up with. 

What drew me to this kit was the cute dolphin WHALE fabric and the bright blue water fabric. but the stripey stuff was a challenge. Anyway, the pattern I originally drafted was for 10” (finished) squares, but I had to reduce them to 8” to accommodate the scrap sizes. The individual block pieces are cut: center white strip of 2.5x8.5”, and two side strips composed of a 3.5” square and a rectangle of 3.5”x5.5” pieces. The colored side pieces are flipped on either side of the center white strip. When sewn, it makes the 8.5” square. When the blocks are sewn, they’re flipped horizontally and vertically, like a sort of basketweave pattern. I interspersed 8.5” squares of the dolphin fabric and used almost every square inch of it.

Honestly, I was disappointedly in how the colors panned out. But it’s done, and it will be donated after I check it in at WW Quilt Day to be entered into a random prize drawing. I already have the Quilts for Kids label on it. I quilted it with loops. It measure 40x55”, a decent kid size.


This week we were also challenged with Round Four of the SAHRR. This week’s hostess was my friend Wendy of Pieceful Thoughts. She challenged us to make sliced blocks. You know, cut the block, insert a strip or turn it or otherwise manipulate it. Clever! 

This is where my hot-colored quilt top started out after last week’s round 3:

And here is where it ended up after I added this week’s round 4:

I knew the top was due for a calmer round free of angles, giving the quilt a bit of an interim frame. I was also going to type here that it would give the eyes a place to rest, but can you really say that about assorted dancing vegetables on a yellow-orange field? Probably not. In its current state, the top now measures 32.5x44.5”. If you’d like to see how the SAHRR quilt tops are shaping up after four rounds (I highly recommend it), visit Wendy’s blog and linky party HERE


Running in circles: New Accounts Payable system for the HOA. Drove across the valley one morning (in single-digit icy weather) to meet the accounting staff at our property management company and be introduced to the new program. Then conducted a meeting at our clubhouse same afternoon so we can train and transition the landscape volunteers to monitor and report issues - relating to pests and landscape - so I can unload the coordination of that onto someone else. It will happen, but now I am in charge of working with Bug Busters (our pest control company) too. That’s in addition to the Treasurer duties and writing the monthly newsletter. And did I mention that we have a legal seminar one afternoon in a couple weeks? Gotta know the governing statutes and where HOA responsibility ends and homeowner responsibilities start (or vice versa). It’s going to be a crazy year, and I’ve all but decided that I won’t run again next year for office. 


That’s it. On Saturday (either today or tomorrow, depending on when you’re reading this), I have Quilts for Kids, then on Sunday, Ruby and Cousin Kim come over for the Church of Bernina, which is what we call our sewing day. Heaven knows how sewing restores our souls!! Have a great week!! xo


Julierose said...

Love how those RSC Blues Strings are looking!! I finally was able to finish up my Red/Green strings--BUT I still have a lot left!!! I tell you they DO multiply overnight!! So 32 of each color--am debating whether to combine or not..??? Or just keep on making until I (if ever!) run out of scraps in those 4.5" square they are fun and quick to make with little strings...
Your SAHRR is looking great...perfect for these cold, gray sky days...
Hope your weekend is a good one...hugs, Julierose

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Of course you know I love those blue strings!
Sorry the kit was a challenge to deal with but I think you did a good job and some little one will really like it.
I never thought I would say that I really like the hot colors in the SAHRR because yellows aren't generally my favourite, but I'm liking what you're doing. It's a lovely warm glow of colour on yet another cold snowy day here.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the HOA sounds like too much work for me! I hope you can make it through the year ok without stressing yourself out over it. In the meantime keep on quilting and hope it warms up soon!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

OhMyGosh! What a fun time you've been having in the sewing room. :) Love the strings, whales and HOT SAHRR!

piecefulwendy said...

I like the way you used the sliced block in your quilt - it works really well!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

The blue strings are awesome!
i think you made a great quilt out of the challenges you had - I am sure that it will be loved. Plus whales!! they are awesome.
Your SAHRR is amazing - LOVe those hot colors - they just pop!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think you did a great job with the dolphin scrap quilt, Cathy! And it turned out to be a good size, too. Your blue strings are so pretty in their cool blues - a palate cleanser in between the brighter projects!

Sue said...

Love those strings; the dolphin turned out great even though it caused you angst; & maybe your decision not to run is a good one. Time to relax.

grammajudyb said...

Were your ears burning this Saturday morning. As I was digging through some scraps trying to find neutral 2” ones for my potato chip blocks, I thought I need to make some more strings blocks. I’ll bet Cathy has been making string blocks! They are gorgeous by the way. And you did good even using the “ugly” fabrics in your dolphin donation quilt. A true creative quilter!

Nann said...

Oh, your SAHRR is sassy and splashy! Good to use a lot of the dancing veggie for this round to pull it together. And a great rescue for that kit. Your blue strings shimmer. Hope the HOA business sorts itself out.

Chantal said...

Oh those blue string blocks are calling my name. They are so pretty all together. I have to make some for me. I am SO in love with your SAHRR. That last round frame everything perfectly. I love how there's just a little bit of the veggie print in the centre, then there's more of it in between the red sashing and even more in the last one. Just perfect!
You managed to make a great quilt with the not-so-great-kit. Congrats on getting it done. ;^)

Miaismine said...

Your comment about singing made me laugh! When I sing using my opera voice, my dogs howl! 😊Congratulations on finishing 60 blocks! That is a ton! I love that blue and purple fabric on the second row! I can see why you were drawn to the whale fabric! You made a pretty nice looking quilt that any child would love to sleep under! That’s a great size quilt – maybe even for them much forgotten teens! Awesome! Actually, on your SAHRR quilt, I found the center a pleasant place for my eyes to rest. Beautiful work! Yuck…HOAs sound like less fun than quilting!

Susie H said...

The kid's quilt looks great and I can see the attraction to the cute dolphin print. Your SAHRR is amazing. What a great zinger-happy quilt!

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