
Saturday, December 14, 2024

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly

….. and I’m trying to fake it until I make it! Some sunshine would go a long way towards being jolly, and so would a little self control when it comes to chocolate. But this too shall pass, so I’m rolling with it and keeping busy. 

All in all, it was a fun and productive week. I’m just going to talk about all the things in the order that Blogger deigns to upload my photos, so let’s buckle up!

What a shock, I do believe they maintained their chronological order!

Last week, I may have mentioned that several of us women in the condo community decorated the clubhouse. I didn’t take pictures at the time, but on Monday morning of this week I was back there for a quick HOA Board meeting for us to decide the new responsibilities of each board member. (I’m going to be the Treasurer). Anyway, here are some photos I snapped of the clubhouse decor so we have references of what-goes-where for future years. 

Clubhouse fireplace and mantel

Christmas Tree and reflection of Karen and Carol working on hanging more decorations 

Side table in conference area

On Monday and Tuesday, I sewed more zipper pouches, adding six instead of just five to the total. 

Here are all thirteen that I made this year. 

One evening my Weight Watcher friends and I got together for our monthly card game (Hand and Foot). We try to make our December meeting a light potluck and inexpensive gift exchange. This year, my contribution to the buffet was this fruity Christmas tree. I snapped a photo of it in my kitchen before I wrapped it and carted it off just in case it didn’t survive the ten minute car trip (but it did). 

And here are Ruby, Annette and Ellie at the buffet at our friend Lory’s house. Not shown: Lory, Lisa, Linda and Shauna. We all had fun, and that’s where a lot of the zip pouches were given, each person choosing their favorite. In return, I got hand soaps, a Christmas mug, socks, an amaryllis bulb, and more. 

Later in the week, I spent an afternoon basting kid quilt tops to their backings. Some are more recent quilt top finishes, but one dates back to the beginning of the year before we moved from the house to the condo. I really want to get them finished before year end. 

A green scrappy top from January

Recently finished Bright Blocks

An RSC2024 scrappy quilt top finished in November

Pink and light neutral string top constructed in May

My plan is to focus on quilting up those four tops ASAP. I don’t have any parties or gatherings after Monday next week, so my hope is to get them done, labeled and photographed to show here on the blog next week.

There was one quilty finish this week for my friend Maureen. This panel quilt finished at 27.5x34”. I quilted it in wavy lines for a watery effect. Maureen loves cranes, the color green, and Japanese art in general. 

It can be used as a table topper or wall hanging (I added hanging tabs on back). I will also be giving her a matching zipper pouch filled with biscotti. That’s the biscotti I plan to start baking this afternoon after we get home from the Community Christmas Brunch at the clubhouse. I was going to make another fruity Christmas tree to take to the Brunch, but it will be a hastily-assembled fruit salad in a bowl instead. 

Have a fun and festive week as we head toward Christmas! May you enjoy every moment of it!


  1. Looks like you've been a busy bee once again! The clubhouse looks so festive and pretty.
    I suspect your friend Maureen will be thrilled with her gift. You've ticked all the boxes with what she likes.
    Here, the prep is pretty much done and now it's all about being social. Kind of have to force myself to do something besides get lost in the internet abyss.

  2. Lovely decorations in your clubhouse--very festive!!
    I remember that pink/neutral strippy piece--so pretty. Nice to have the time to finish these up for you.
    The wall hanging is so beautiful--very calm and soothing...especially with your wavey quilting lines--great job on this!! ;))))
    I hope your run-up to Christmas [only 11 more days--gosh time flies!!] is restful and productive for you hugs, Julierose

  3. The clubhouse looks very festive, and I love your fruit tree! That was a fun idea. You are doing great getting all those quilt tops basted - I need to do the same with some unfinished tops. I'll look forward to seeing your finishes!

  4. Wow! Lots of great things done this week! I laughed when you said you took photos to know where to put decorations next year, because we did that last year in the new house, so this year we are just looking at photos & decorating like last year, although apparently I missed a couple places because hubby was trying to find some items in the photos!

  5. Taking a photo is a great idea for a jointly decorated space is a great idea. I nerd to try doing that in my house. Then maybe I could decide to downsize a bit! I’ll look forward to seeing the Quilts for Kids all finished up! We have just started decorating our away place for Christmas! Dragging our feet a bit!

  6. The fruity Chrsitmas tree for the buffet looks like a great idea, but I can see how it would be time consuming to construct. I did more decorating this year than last (when I was in TX for grandson's wedding). I really need to sort through the decor and donate it as it's not doing any good stored in the attic. And some of it should just be retired permanently. Snow and cold here, but a warm up due next week. All the grands and 3 of the children are all out of state, so gift-giving has been simplified to gift cards and checks,

  7. Wow! You sure jumped into your new community with both feet. Decorating the clubhouse and also your new job as treasurer. The pinned RSC quilts look great and will brighten someone's heart. I'm sure your friend was touched by your thoughtful Crane Quilt. Nicely done!

  8. Late to comment because last week was holiday event-filled.....I'm sure you enjoy spending time in your new kitchen! How long did it take to create the grape tree, and what is the base? Is it an optical illusion or do you use large pins for basting? I, too, have found that I don't need to pin as closely as I used to. The panel quilt is a lovely 'picture.'

  9. Such a busy time of the year, Cathy. Glad you found time for some quilting!


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