
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Ready for Christmas and 2025

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care, the shopping and wrapping and baking are all done. I even spent yesterday afternoon walking around delivering gifts (mostly homemade biscotti) to  friends around our HOA community. It was a beautiful afternoon and it felt so good to be outdoors!

I was able to finish up three quilts this week from tops I had sewn earlier in the year. This first one was sewn (well, the top was) way back in January when our Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month was green. Here it is, eleven months later, finally a finish! Yep, moving and remodeling sure messed up my sewing rhythm. But it’s done before the end of the year!

I quilted it in a simple stipple and it finished at 42x48”. The backing is an adorable woodland print I picked up at Hancock’s of Paducah online a couple years ago. They have such great prices and selections - check out their $4.99 and $5.99 sale fabrics!

Then I quilted this pink and white string top sewn in May. Same size - 42x48”, stipple quilted. 

For the backing I used most of the last of this adorable cherry blossom print I picked up at an estate sale several years ago. 

And then it was this bright checkerboard kids quilt I sewed in October or November. I just cross-hatched it. The backing is a really old print that I hate and am glad to be rid of. 

All three of these little quilts will be going to Quilts for Kids in January. 

I have two more that I want to quilt between now and Christmas. my Bernina goes in for her annual “spa treatment” the day after Christmas. For the week or so that it will be away from home, I’ll use my backup Brother machine and do my annual Frankenbatting marathon - sewing together the strips and large chunks of batting I’ve accumulated during the year to make useable batts. I’m also hoping to baste about 5-8 tops that have been donated to me over the last year (for Quilts for Kids) so I can just quilt them as the opportunity arises. Those little activities will help clear out some of the piles around my sewing room and make way for me to hit the ground running in January!

Here’s a random picture, of no particular significance other than I wanted to show that I finally got pictures hung on the wall of our little den area off the kitchen/dining. I never did find anything I liked to use as the coffee table holiday centerpiece. So I’ll just wait until the holiday decorations are put away and figure something out then. 


So, I mentioned that I baked biscotti this year. After two half days and one almost-full day of baking, I completed 8 batches of biscotti, two batches of four different flavors.

Top: Vanilla Cinnamon with icing and sprinkles
Bottom: Classic Almond

Top: Lemon with Lemon Drizzle
Bottom: Chocolate Dipped Chocolate Walnut

And, all together: 

I’ll be taking lots to our family Christmas gathering at my son and daughter-in-law’s house on Christmas Day. 

I have my 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks and scrap projects figured out for 2025. I had hoped to make myself a Halloween quilt this year, but other priorities popped up. I only decorate for fall, not for Halloween. Fall decorations go up in September and come down after Thanksgiving. Also, I have several fall quilts, but have never made a Halloween quilt. So that will be happening in 2025. I have a great haunted house panel that I bought at Missouri Star Quilt Co. about 3 years ago. I’ll surround the panel with 12” blocks - 16 of them. My plan is to sew 2 Halloween blocks per month. I have picked out the block patterns I want to use, including bats in all four corners. That will take me through August to finish the blocks. Then I can use September to sew it all together, quilt and bind it, and I’ll have a Halloween quilt by October!

And then - and I’m really impressed with myself (buffs nails on shoulder) - I even kitted up two of the blocks so I’m ready for January’s sewing!

And finally, here are the blocks I’ve settled on for my 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge monthly blocks.

These are pictures I saved from the internet. I can tell you that our dear friend Cathy L (Sane and Crazy Blog) is the inspiring quilter from whom I am flagrantly copying the flying geese with black background (left bottom in photo above) and the “switchplate” blocks using 1.5” scraps (top left). 

The bottom right block is the classic Weatherpane Block, and the top right one I pinned on Pinterest (no source info available). I call it Paint Chips, and it will use up some of my 2.5” squares.

So, with those four blocks I’ve chosen, I can make dents in 1.5”, 2.5”, and 4+” size scraps, as well as miscellaneous black pieces for the flying geese and miscellaneous light neutrals for the Switchplates and Paint Chips.  Win win!

Have a wonderful Christmas or Hanukkah (my daughter and family celebrate both). Be safe and may you spend the holidays with the ones you love.


  1. Great choices for 2025 RSC !! Great that you are all ready for the holidays;))
    I still have meal prep for the Eve for 7 people [going to make two of my chicken/rice casseroles--daughter bringing some kind of salad and rolls--easy peasy] cookies and ice cream will be an easy dessert. After T-Day I am so tired of cooking!! Tom will make his meatballs cocktail dish in slo-cooker; chips and dips for befores... Hugs, Julierose Enjoy your holidays...

  2. oh Yum! That biscotti (all of them!) looks so good! I love biscotti so I know those will be greatly appreciated gifts.
    Yay for finishes and plans for the new year.
    Happy Christmas to you and yours!

  3. You are an awesome quilt finisher, regardless of whether you're moving, remodeling, or doing Christmas baking! Both the green and pink string quilts are great finishes. Your biscotti looks yummy - that is something I've never tried making. Fun to see your 2025 plans, too!

  4. So busy, so productive!

    I kept looking for the 6th Switchplate (thinking perhaps the contrast was too low in that block) before realizing Cathy L's design wall is as thready as mine!

    I hope you enjoy your holidays,


  5. I've decided it's time for me to get my act together and finish some of the RSC projects I've made blocks for over the years, get them donated and out of my house. I'm not sure I'll start a new RSC, but I have lots of ideas tucked away in case I do. Have a Merry Christmas.

  6. Oh My! That's a lot of biscotti. They all look so good and crunchy. I love biscotti with a hot coco. Mmm! I'm hungry now, lol. Congrats on getting 3 quilts to the finish line. I love the aqua centre in the green string blocks. I thought I recognized Cathy's dark flying geese in there. She is my inspiration too. What a prolific woman that one is. Enjoy the gatherings. Cheers! ;^)

  7. Great finishes, and for such a good cause! And wow, the biscotti looks wonderful. You are so smart to plan ahead for next year's RSC. I am usually shocked to find out it's Jan. and I'm not ready yet! Happy holidays!

  8. OMG, Cathy, your energy and forethought are putting the rest of us (well, me for sure) to shame. You come up with such great designs to combine the colorway strings with other patches/prints. And RSC underway already. Plus biscotti -- a low-point treat. Yumm. Happy Christmas week to you and Bruce.

  9. Congrats on your finished quilts! They are fabulous! Doesn't it feel good to find use of fabric we do not like?! Your biscotti looks yummy! Great ideas for RSC 2025. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!


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