This time of year is so busy for me - one of my grown sons had a birthday, Bruce and I celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday (we didn’t forget this year! LOL). Plus working part-time at the Farm, building my Etsy, Bruce’s surgery and retirement (and all the paperwork that goes with THOSE), tending DGD London once a week, plus stitching, sewing private commissions, the garden..... whew! But I love it all. Well, maybe not the paperwork.... So, here we go.
1. Goal: Participate in 3-4 CQ round robins.
Progress: Complete. (I have one block left to mail, but it is done except
for writing in the booklet). 100%
2. Goal: Piece my "CQ by 2012” quilt and have half of seamwork done.
Progress: None, except that I’ve decided on my colors and basic design idea. This is the same as 3 months ago, but I have been gathering things, and I can feel the desire to work on it finally building.... planning to start in September or October. 10%
2. Goal: Piece my "CQ by 2012” quilt and have half of seamwork done.
Progress: None, except that I’ve decided on my colors and basic design idea. This is the same as 3 months ago, but I have been gathering things, and I can feel the desire to work on it finally building.... planning to start in September or October. 10%
3. Goal: Enter at least 2 CQ or quilting competitions.
Progress: I entered the CQI annual purse contest and won first place this year. There is another contest I had planned to enter this month, but time is getting away from me and I realize it will not happen. Must look for something else. 50%
4. Goal: Teach a CQ class locally.
Progress: No progress on this in the last three months. I keep vacillating, but DH is encouraging me (and you, too, BJ!), so it may happen. 0%
5. Goal: Attend 3 CQ retreats or gatherings.
Progress: Have attended one (CQ Adventure in CT) and am registered for two more: the CQI Retreat in Colorado (September) and the Victorian Stitchery Retreat (Pink Bunny) in Wichita in November. - no change this quarter - 33%
6. Goal: Take a class with Carole Samples.
Progress: I am registered for a 2-day class with Carole Samples in Wichita in November!!!! This remains the same, so since it is already paid for, I am going to mark it as 33%
7. Goal: Finish (or give away) at least 3 UFO`s.
Progress: Last quarter, I finished and auctioned off my Teatime Wallhanging and gave away (to CQI, who auctioned it off) a wool crazy quilt top, putting me at 67%. Well, the block I used to make my purse (see above) was a UFO that I reworked, so this one is complete! 100%
8. Goal: Finish Seascape Valance.
Progress: None yet, but I will begin working on it this month. 0%
9. Goal: De-stash.
Progress: More progress here. This has been relatively easy for me. After gathering up two tote bins full of stuff for CQI, took a carload of things to the local church Humanitarian Center. Wheeler Farm, where I work, closed down their costume department and was going to throw away the fabric, laces, etc. Literally. Into. The. Dumpster. Well, I rescued them all. Yes, I did keep some of the lace (nothing there older than the 1980’s), but 99% of it went to the Humanitarian Center. To it I added a sack of 50 cut-and-ready-to-sew pillowcases that I had been hanging onto for a charity project. They will assemble them and use ‘em. Still up in this category: We are having a huge yard sale in late August or mid September. I will call this category done AFTER the yard sale, just in case I find more stuff to get rid of. 75%
10. Goal: Sew a quilt for London (DGD).
Progress: Some progress here. I have decided to make London a quilt from my vintage sheet collection - such lovely floral cottons. It will be a simple patch quilt with a flannel or minky back. Everything is gathered. 25%
11. Goal: Ramp up Etsy presence.
Progress: Woo-hoo! More progress! I have been focusing on this in June and July, and the shop appearance and sales show it! Rather than having an average of 12-15 items, I now have an average of 40-45, some of that in a second category of vintage patterns.
That is due to a huge box of patterns I ran across at an estate sale. But I digress. Next up is adding the fabric packs (this month), the vintage lace and trims (hopefully also this month) and then the vintage linens and vintage fabrics and other (slated for August). 50%
12. 11. Goal: Begin reselling my vintage fabrics, linens and collectibles. Progress: I am going to roll this one into #11 above, because it makes sense.
13. 12. Goal: Conduct a local sew-for-charity event.
Progress: I could not get permission to hold another Operation Pillowcase at Wheeler Farm, so instead donated them to the Humanitarian Center (See Destash #9, above). Since they were donated to a charitable cause who will use them, I am considering this complete. 100%
14. 13. Goal: Blog milestones: 400 posts, 250 followers, 3 giveaways and 2 tutorials in 2011.
Progress: Posts: at 350, 50 to go in approximately 5 months (10/month or one every 3 days. Do-able and on track). 50%. Followers: I believe I started at about 178-180 followers and now am at 212. So we have had approximately 35 (out of 70 hopeful) join us, or 50%. Giveaways: Two out of three are done. 67%. Hmmm... it’s about time for another, wouldn’t you say?? LOL Tutorials: One done (needlebooks) and one planned (zipper flowers). 50%. Overall in this category: 55%
Progress: Complete. (I have one block left to mail, but it is done except
for writing in the booklet). 100%
2. Goal: Piece my "CQ by 2012” quilt and have half of seamwork done.
Progress: None, except that I’ve decided on my colors and basic design idea. This is the same as 3 months ago, but I have been gathering things, and I can feel the desire to work on it finally building.... planning to start in September or October. 10%

2. Goal: Piece my "CQ by 2012” quilt and have half of seamwork done.
Progress: None, except that I’ve decided on my colors and basic design idea. This is the same as 3 months ago, but I have been gathering things, and I can feel the desire to work on it finally building.... planning to start in September or October. 10%
3. Goal: Enter at least 2 CQ or quilting competitions.
Progress: I entered the CQI annual purse contest and won first place this year. There is another contest I had planned to enter this month, but time is getting away from me and I realize it will not happen. Must look for something else. 50%
4. Goal: Teach a CQ class locally.
Progress: No progress on this in the last three months. I keep vacillating, but DH is encouraging me (and you, too, BJ!), so it may happen. 0%
5. Goal: Attend 3 CQ retreats or gatherings.
Progress: Have attended one (CQ Adventure in CT) and am registered for two more: the CQI Retreat in Colorado (September) and the Victorian Stitchery Retreat (Pink Bunny) in Wichita in November. - no change this quarter - 33%
6. Goal: Take a class with Carole Samples.
Progress: I am registered for a 2-day class with Carole Samples in Wichita in November!!!! This remains the same, so since it is already paid for, I am going to mark it as 33%
7. Goal: Finish (or give away) at least 3 UFO`s.
Progress: Last quarter, I finished and auctioned off my Teatime Wallhanging and gave away (to CQI, who auctioned it off) a wool crazy quilt top, putting me at 67%. Well, the block I used to make my purse (see above) was a UFO that I reworked, so this one is complete! 100%
8. Goal: Finish Seascape Valance.
Progress: None yet, but I will begin working on it this month. 0%
9. Goal: De-stash.
Progress: More progress here. This has been relatively easy for me. After gathering up two tote bins full of stuff for CQI, took a carload of things to the local church Humanitarian Center. Wheeler Farm, where I work, closed down their costume department and was going to throw away the fabric, laces, etc. Literally. Into. The. Dumpster. Well, I rescued them all. Yes, I did keep some of the lace (nothing there older than the 1980’s), but 99% of it went to the Humanitarian Center. To it I added a sack of 50 cut-and-ready-to-sew pillowcases that I had been hanging onto for a charity project. They will assemble them and use ‘em. Still up in this category: We are having a huge yard sale in late August or mid September. I will call this category done AFTER the yard sale, just in case I find more stuff to get rid of. 75%
10. Goal: Sew a quilt for London (DGD).
Progress: Some progress here. I have decided to make London a quilt from my vintage sheet collection - such lovely floral cottons. It will be a simple patch quilt with a flannel or minky back. Everything is gathered. 25%
11. Goal: Ramp up Etsy presence.
Progress: Woo-hoo! More progress! I have been focusing on this in June and July, and the shop appearance and sales show it! Rather than having an average of 12-15 items, I now have an average of 40-45, some of that in a second category of vintage patterns.
Progress: I could not get permission to hold another Operation Pillowcase at Wheeler Farm, so instead donated them to the Humanitarian Center (See Destash #9, above). Since they were donated to a charitable cause who will use them, I am considering this complete. 100%
Progress: Posts: at 350, 50 to go in approximately 5 months (10/month or one every 3 days. Do-able and on track). 50%. Followers: I believe I started at about 178-180 followers and now am at 212. So we have had approximately 35 (out of 70 hopeful) join us, or 50%. Giveaways: Two out of three are done. 67%. Hmmm... it’s about time for another, wouldn’t you say?? LOL Tutorials: One done (needlebooks) and one planned (zipper flowers). 50%. Overall in this category: 55%
So all this averages out to about 50%, which is right where I should be. So why do I feel guilty because some items are still at 0%?? And another thought - what if my goals change mid-year? I am not sure that I want to teach this year. Right now I prefer to focus on Etsy (and a couple other irons I have in the fire) and not spread myself too thin. Or is that just an excuse?
Did you set goals for yourself this year? How are you progressing, and what, if any hurdles are you experiencing? Were your goals realistic? Have they changed or remained the same? I would love to hear your goals, progress and thoughts...
Well done, Cathy. Accomplishing 50% of your goals is absolutely on target. And I'm sure that you've been working, as well, on other projects not mentioned in you goals.
I wish I could stick to yearly goals, I seem to work from week to week lists!
Well I think it shows strength of character that you can be flexible and adaptable enough to add and change goals as the year progresses... Right???
I'd say you've done well!
Well, I'm an old retired one and don't do goals like that. Hmm. I don't think I did before I was an old retired one either. I would get more done, I'm sure, but I don't need to, so I keep it mellow. In Myers Briggs personality types, I'm ENTP: P meaning I'm a "go with the flow" kind of person. It's great to be where we can do things the way that suits us. Congratulations on your success with your goals.
Hi Cathy,
Your bag is lovely, so delicate,
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