
Friday, February 7, 2025

Sewing the Blues

What a nice week! Not weather-wise, because it’s February. It’s cold and windy, rainy and snowy. But I got in a lot of fun sewing time, friend time and on Saturday both my sons and families will be over for an evening of Mexican food and fun. I bought some mini roses potted in cute ceramic ladybugs for granddaughter London (now age 15) and my daughter-in-law Kim. And chocolate too (naturally). 

So, let’s start off with this week’s round for the Stay At Home Round Robin. Our hostess for Round three this week was Gail, and she called STARS. This is where my quilt top was at the end of last week:

Last week’s progress

First I added another red stop border to separate this round from the spikey half-square triangles of the previous round. I decided to further lengthen the piece by adding a row to the top only. I sewed up my favorite Friendship Stars with flip corners because I love the pattern it gives. 

I know these photos look wonky. That’s because I’m in the (bad?) habit of pinning the four corners snugly and forgetting about pinning along the long sides. Really, it is not bowed. 

I will trim the spacers at the ends of the new row once I begin the next round. The top now measures 26.5 x 36.5” after three rounds. I’m really looking forward to the next round! If you’d like to see everyone’s creative progress so far, hop on over to Gail’s linky gathering for this round HERE

There was also a lot of therapeutic blue scrap sewing for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this week. First I worked on these two Weathervane blocks - one darker and the other with light and bright blue scraps. These fun blocks measure 12.5”, unfinished.

And then I pulled out some of my blue 1.5” strips to make these Switchplate blocks. They are so quick and easy. I’m making lots of these as I go with no particular plan as yet. 

Next week I’ll be showing the scrappy blue string blocks I’ve already started on. I’ve got 45 so far and hope to get another 15 out of my remaining blue scraps or I may have to cut a few from larger chunks. I like to donate them to Quilts for Kids in pinned batches of 15 because that fits nicely into their pre-cut quilt kits that quilters check out to sew into little quilts. 

* *  * * *

Bruce and I took some nice walks this week as weather permitted. On Wednesday I went out with some new friends (and some old friends) to lunch, and on Thursday it was cards (Hand and Foot) at the clubhouse. When Bruce and I went grocery shopping at our usual store today, they didn’t have any wheat rolls - for the second week - in the bakery section. No wheat dinner rolls, ciabatta rolls or whole grain hard rolls. Only white rolls. So we went to another store and it was the same thing there. What’s going on? Bewildered, Bruce and I joked that Trump must’ve banned everything but white bread in stores now. Gotta make jokes to survive this embarrassing nightmare that’s befallen our country. 

Have a good week, my friends!


  1. Pretty Friendship stars, and all of your other works. I really love the blue switch plate blocks.

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  2. I hadn't noticed any shortage of wheat rolls around here - but there can be a shortage of kindness and too much nastiness in this red state. When will it end?

  3. Haven't heard of any whole wheat shortage here. I went to
    Costco yesterday to stock up on paper goods before I leave for FL. I fully expect either shortages or high inflation or both. It was funny, though, because Costco had massive amounts of paper towels.
    I'm finishing up a baby quilt that needs to go with me to be delivered.
    Sewing done the binding. Still need to make the label.

  4. sorry - i left a comment in the wrong place - i'll repeat it here...

    snort!!! i almost spewed when i read about your white bread dilemma - gotta laugh, cuz there's no way i'm letting them destroy my joy!!!

  5. Beautiful Blues. Hope you are staying warm.

  6. Love your SAHRR. It's growing up beautifully. Lots of pretty blue prints. I love the weathervane blocks. Don't let the ugly of others steal the beauty in you. This Turkish proverb sums it up nicely: When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus. Have a great week anyway. ;^)

  7. You have a very bright and happy SAHRR going on there! I love your weathervane blocks! Great contrast!

  8. Love your SAHRR progress & those Weathervane blocks are super cute!

  9. Your SAHRR is looking great! I love this week's blocks. Sorry to hear the wheat breads have gone missing. I had the opposite at Aldi the other day - no butter bread, just the wheats?

  10. I am tucking away how you solve the spacing problem of borders with a thin filler border and/or spacers. Not only does it help bring what could be quite the eclectic quilt together, but it means the borders will fit without needing to work with odd sizes. Those weathervane blocks are great.

    Thanks for the laugh over why whole grain is out and white is in. Dare I imagine a statement quilt featuring only white rolls? Tempting.

  11. I am enjoying watching your SAHRR evolve. The saturated colours are so welcome during these dull (and snowy!) days of winter. And then, of course, you know I love the blues!
    No clue why there would be a shortage on whole wheat. RC bought a big bag of whole wheat flour last week and has already made some sourdough buns with it. Don't think we've purchased bread any more than 2 or 3 times since covid hit.

  12. (Looks as though you've got a couple of spam comments, Cathy.) I really like the intense colors of your SAHRR! And the blue blocks are all appealing. You don't have rolls . . . at Aldi, two days running, there was no milk. What's happening in Washington is outrageous and devastating and all things horrible.

  13. Your SAHRR quilt is coming along beautifully -- so bright & cheery! The switchplate and weathervane blocks are pretty in blue too. Hope you find some wheat bread soon!

  14. Oh, I like those stars with the flip corners! Fun! Had to chuckle at your comment that the quilt isn't bowed - I have that convo with myself when I put mine up on the wall, too!

  15. your reasoning on the white bread overload! We're seeing a lot of odd things here in michigan. I'm hoping 4 years pass quickly without too much destruction or division. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the peace of my sewing room. I love your blue blocks especially the weather vane blocks💙

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