
Friday, January 24, 2025

Round One

On Monday, the first round prompt for the Stay at Home Round Robin was announced by this week’s hostess, Kathleen. She challenged us to make a block that began with the first letter of our name. There were other alternatives if your first name initial didn’t correspond with a block. Well, with the letter “C” for Cathy, I had several choices. I finally decided on Churn Dash blocks. 

The center block is 12”, so I made the Churn Dash blocks 6” each. I decided to spread out their color placement around the center block. I also planned to add a chain column (another “C”) along the sides. I’m going to wait to attach the chains - or not - depending on what Round 2 brings. If I do add the chains, the piece will measure 18” across and 24” down after this round. I do want to work toward making this a rectangular quilt, and that means that somewhere in the process of building a quilt around a square block, that sometimes the top and bottom borders are wider than the side borders. The chain would lend itself beautifully to that…. Anyway, check out everyone’s interpretation of the challenge HERE.

I’m still working on some string blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and I’ll show them next week. 
I did spend one afternoon basting these 5 quilt tops: three are the last of the Community Quilts, and 2 are mine. As I get them quilted up, I’ll share more about them.

For the most part, this week was taken up with a lot of HOA work around our community. Comcast is upgrading our cables and connections (long overdue) and a couple of us are liaising between the work crews and the homeowners, making appointments, emailing announcements and going door to door. It’s a lot of COLD work (temperatures have been frigid). But at least all the walking has really boosted my step count this week!

I’m going to publish this on Friday evening because we’ll be leaving early on Saturday morning to go up north a ways to watch our grandson Deacon compete in a swim meet. Bruce’s daughter Emily and her son Deacon (16) are down from Idaho because Deacon is in a regional swim meet. 

I’ll be linking up to :
Stay at Home RR


  1. I like everything about your creation.

  2. I Love where your RR is going! I'm thinking of ways to make mine rectangular.

  3. I love your blocks to make the quilt rectangular! Great color placement too. Fun pumpkin little squares ;)

  4. Oh that would be a challenge in itself for me with a "J" --the only blocks I can think of are: "Jigsaw'"...??? [Or Jellyroll--um but that's not really a block is it!! hahaha..] or Jack in the Box! But I digress!!

    Anyway, your Churn Dash choice will be a lovely centerpiece...
    good luck with this SAHRR...hugs, Julierose

  5. What a fun challenge to have to make blocks that correspond with your first initial. This will be another one that will be fun to watch as it evolves. I think I'll be starting a new landscape later today because I woke up with an idea. My muse might have returned!

  6. Good response to the prompt! Enjoy the weekend excursion.

  7. I love your SAHRR project. I think the chain is a good addition but time will tell on that one. All the best to Deacon. Enjoy! ;^)

  8. We watched both granddaughters at a swim meet this morning. Next stop is college basketball. Hope your grandson does well. — Sara

  9. Those churn dashes are perfect to go with your center block, Cathy! Love your warm colors - they are perfect for this frigid time of year. Hope you had a fun day at the swim meet!

  10. I love your SAHRR project. I was going to do it this year & this week I got realistic & said, No, this is not the year to add another ongoing project. You have too many RSC projects already started!!!

  11. Churn Dash blocks are perfect for your first round, as is the Chain. I stayed with King's Crown because I'm not that creative LOL.

  12. I like your churn dashes for your SAHRR! I also like your 'chain'...I called mine 'pathway' LOL

  13. Your SAHRR is a fun one, love the colors. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. I have to echo the praises of your SAHRR, Round #1. Mine may get done, but company is here. Fingers crossed progress can be made before everygetsvup tomorrow morning.

  15. Love the Churn Dash blocks, such a classic!


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