
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Pink Blocks, Stay at Home RR, and Some Finishes

I’ve been continuing to finish up some of my “well-aged” quilt tops into quilts. When I say that they’re mine, what I really mean is that they were sent to me as tops to add backing and batting, and then to quilt and bind. I then get to donate them to my favorite charity, Quilts for Kids. The tops were actually made by a group of ladies in Cresco, Iowa and sent to me by Jo Kramer of Jo’s Country Junction blog. This week, I finished up three more. 

This first one is a “gorilla superhero” themed little number. It really is rather cute in person. 

The backing is bits of an old wide backing and a red strip  to add width. It was quilted with a basic stipple. 

Next up was another Happy Block top that was quilted in loops (stipple and loops, my two go-to motifs for quilting charity quilts because they’re easy and fast). 

The backing was cobbled together from semi-harmonious chunks in my stash. I’m trying hard to make do and destash at the same time. 

The third finish was this bright little number. Again, it was quilted in a stipple. The thread I was using on this kept breaking, and I tried everything to fix it - clean the machine, re-thread the machine, switch threads,. Nothing worked until I put in a fresh new needle, and then everything was fine. I’m going to have to remember to change needles more frequently!! 

The backing was a single piece gifted to me by my friend Wanda

There is just one more quilt from this pile (already basted) for me to quilt. Following that, there are three quilt tops from a Susan L that I’ll baste and quilt - fully one year behind when I originally intended to do them, in January of 2024. But 2024 was a doozy of a year for us, with packing and moving and remodeling, and Bruce being diagnosed with CLL (leukemia). It wasn’t really until November that I finally felt I could get my head above water, so to speak. 

And then, after all my outside quilting commitments are complete, I can finally resume work on my backlog of RSC quilt tops, about 6 or 7 of them.

I also worked on some Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) blocks. I did two flying geese blocks with pink and scrappy black backgrounds. The blocks are 6.5”, unfinished.

The second set of blocks are Switchplates, made with 1.5” strips. These are just way too much fun to sew!! I found it hard to stop! 

The annual Stay at Home Round Robin is coming!! The first post, where everyone will share their beginning block, will go live on Monday. 

In searching my orphan blocks, I found this 12.5” Card Trick block that was given to me several years ago in some scrap haul (probably from Quilts for Kids). I don’t mind the wild colors, but I thought they would be hard to work cooperatively with in a smallish quilt - because the finished quilt will eventually go back to QFK, and therefore it will be a kid-sized quilt.

So I hunted my stash for ideas, and found this 1-yard piece of fabric (below) that had the purple, orange and yellow, but contained red as a fourth color instead of green. So, I did what any good quilter would do and unpicked enough of the original block to allow me to substitute red for the green. Much better! 

So now, I’m ready to get sewing. I’ll be linking up once the introductory post goes live on Monday. Today! Click HERE to see all our starting blocks. If you’d like to find out more about the SAHRR and even possibly join us, check it out HERE

That’s it for now. My friend Ruby is picking me up in a little while and we’re going over to her sister’s house (her name is also Cathy). Ruby and Cathy bought a Grace Q’nique long-arm machine. It’s been set up for awhile and today we will be getting a private class from The Grace Company on how to load quilts, select, scale and program the quilting patterns, etc. We’re so excited! 


  1. Looks like you've been working on some really bright quilts - perfect for this time of year when everything is so grey outside.

  2. Wow, you were busy this week. Congrats on all these finishes. Lots of pink in there and then I saw your pink blocks. The card trick quilt was great but with the print in the border, yeah, I would have changed the green one too. Looks much better now. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. Definitely a busy productive week for you. Love the variety of your pink blocks!

  4. It feels so good to get things finished up!!! I love that you unpicked that block to add the red & make it work with your fabric. Awesome!

  5. What fun to have a quilting lesson. Doing it with friends makes it even better. Way to start the year off by clearing out the backlog. Looks like lots of fun quilts for kids are ready to go out.

  6. Those look like fun and quick little quilts to finish up! No matter when they're done, someone will get some comfort from them. I love your center block for the SAHRR, too. I'm looking forward to participating in that one again. And a long-arm to learn to use - that's really exciting!

  7. What cheerful quilts! It must be interesting to open a package from Jo. Are the top-makers ever identified? I am determined to participate in SAHRR this year, but you have reminded me that I need to find a starter block.

  8. I have some of the backing fabric with the daisy-like flowers you used on the gorilla superhero quilt. I think I got it on sale at Connecting Threads. And congratulations on making such good progress finishing up those kids quilts. I've finally starting the quilting on a Snoopy panel that I need to gift in February.
    Have fun with SAHRR. Because I go to FL for much of the time that challenge runs, I've never participated, but I do follow along and cheer everyone on.

  9. You've done very well, kids quilts completed and you've started on some pink RSC blocks too.

  10. The quilt top was so perfect for that backing! I'm glad you could use it.

  11. What a great center block for your SAHRR, Cathy. I love the kids quilts and the pink RSC blocks too! Thanks for joining in the SAHRR fun!

  12. You have some lovely finishes and I like your centre block :)

  13. You have some beautiful color going on in your quilt room! That's a great center block for the sew along!

  14. I’m glad you are back to making Quilts for Kids. They are so fun. Way to go , to change the one block to fit the colors in the border. It’s going to be so pretty?

  15. You have really been busy! Those donation quilts are the perfect quilty hug for a child. You are a "good" quilter to pick apart and reassemble a card trick block. This is a great center for SAHRR. I look forward to watching your progress and sewing along with you.


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