
Monday, October 22, 2012

Another Victorian Lady Block

I finished my block for Connie in our Victorian Ladies round robin for Crazy Quilting International. The pictures are of Connie’s female ancestors. When I was stitching on this block, I looked up her name and it was Helena. So appropriate, because it was my late mother’s name!

After I mailed it off to the next person in the rotation, I remembered that I had intended to add a little spider and web, a Victorian symbol of good luck.

The block was wedge-shaped, and will be one of six made into a circle when complete. What a lovely idea!

I am nearing completion on another non-sewing, non-stitching project.  I am totally redo-ing a little footstool that I purchased a couple years ago at the thrift store.  Now that my living room is together and Boomer’s my new chair is in place, I really wanted to get the footstool done.  It’s already been taken apart and painted. The fabric is selected and interfaced, the foam is cut. But. The base of the lid had some rotten parts. Oy. So Bruce is out getting a little piece of chipboard to replace it.  About five years ago we recovered our patio chairs (wrought iron ice cream chairs) and replaced all the chipboard seats before recovering them. I though we still had lots of chipboard left over, but *someone* has been using it, bit by bit, in his laboratory. That’s OK, it keeps him out of trouble!

Until next time,

Cathy maroon


  1. Love the touch with the wee boot, and glad you've been keeping Bruce out of trouble!

  2. Beautifully done block. I just finished work on a Rr block that was hard to needle through too, so I feel your pain.
    Thanks for your comment on my witch hat. It's been a lot of fun!


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