
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wool Block for Round Robin

I've been participating (s l o w l y) in a Wool round robin in Crazy Quilting International, a Yahoo group for crazy quilters where I am one of the moderators.  We're in the midst of a purse contest, which is what  I spent the majority of my March stitching time on.  That caused me to fall behind on my Wool RR obligations, so I am madly trying to catch up.

Unfortunately, once I began working in the yard, former problems with my arms falling asleep came back with a vengeance.  So, off I trotted to the doctor, who diagnosed it as TOS or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.  Apparently the muscles and nerve bundles (etc) on my right side which go from the spinal column at the neck and through the collarbone down to the arm are very tight and being pinched or rubbed.  They suspect it may be an extra rib (apparently not all that unusual), but won't know until we do x-rays when my doctor gets back from South Africa in 2-3 weeks.  

In the meantime, it's twice-daily exercises, some non-steroid anti-inflammatory meds and twice-weekly physical therapy.  At the physical therapist I also get electro-massage (heavenly).  I've seen some improvement in my arms and hands and have begun to stitch again.  I was able to complete this wool block this week.  But I also worked out in the yard for an hour this afternoon.  I couldn't help myself; it was so beautiful and sunny!  I hope I don't pay for it tonight.  So far so good......

This is my work for Ritva in Finland.  Her block is 6"x6", and she requested wool or cotton.  I know the light green in the center area is wool; the rest is either perle cotton or silk perle.  Ritva did not want beads, ribbons, etc., so it's stitching only.  

This is all four blocks done for Ritva in this RR to date.  They were done (top L-R, bottom L-R) by Hideko in Japan, Marya in California,  Leslie in Colorado, and me (Cathy in Utah).   Next they move on to Karrin, who will stitch her block and then send them all home to Ritva.  

And now I get to start on Hideko's lovely blocks!  


  1. I hope nothing too scary comes out from the doctor, brrr! And that everything will be fine :)
    And those blocks are all so pretty!

  2. That looks amazing. Your stichwork is beautiful.

  3. Cathy, the blocks are lovely! Hope everything goes well with your arms. BTW... love the new look of your blog. Hugs.

  4. Sorry to hear about your pain:( I think your work is gorgeous. I love the bullion flowers!!

    I hope your on the mend soon!

    Ann Flowers

  5. Cathy your blocks are beautiful. I love how you detailed it.

  6. Thanks, Heather, for the comment about my blog looks. I LOVED the one you designed for me that I used for the last year+, but like you, I felt it was time for a change. After awhile, we just don't "see" things, ya know?? Love you, Cathy

  7. Oh, Cathy, I had Thoracic Outlet Syndrome back in 1985. They did surgery then to remove my top two ribs... I sure hope you don't have to go the surgery route. Not a fun time, I have to tell you. Good luck!

  8. can you tell me how the seams were handled in these blocks? the wool butted together, or was the wool pieces sewn together in seams-thanks much


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